WANTED: Maa'run's Hoof

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AllianceWANTED: Maa'run's Hoof

Start Draakorium Wanted Poster [57.5, 57.3]
End Orrin [58.0, 57.6]
Level 10-40
Type Group (3)
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 17300
Reputation +350 Council of Exarchs
Rewards  [Maa'run's Prescient Eye]
 [Maa'run's Treacherous Eye]
 [Maa'run's Baleful Eye]
23g 60s


Collect Maa'run's Hoof.

Suggested Players [3]


Posted by: Orrin

A wild talbuk called "Maa'run" wanders the hills southeast of Embaari Village and west of The Draakorium.

My brother was injured by this foul beast, and now lays in recovery.

For the safety of all the nearby villages, we must put an end to this vicious, rampaging creature!

A handsome reward will be given to anyone who can bring me his hoof as proof of his demise.

("Maa'run: Collect his hoof, collect the reward.")


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv ringwod 5.png [Maa'run's Prescient Eye] Inv ringwod 3b.png [Maa'run's Treacherous Eye]
Inv ringwod 7d.png [Maa'run's Baleful Eye]

You will also receive:


My brother, Anduur, gathers wild berries from the hills above our village.

It was during one of his excursions that he met up with Maa'run.

I demand retribution for his injuries.


Thank you, adventurer! We can rest more easily knowing this beast has been put to its end.


  • Originally named: Wanted: Maa'run's Hoof.


  1. A [10-40] The Southern Wilds
  2. A [10-40] Crippled Caravan
  3. Complete both:
  4. A [10-40] Cooking With Unstable Herbs
  5. A [10-40] Blademoon Bloom
  6. A [10-40] Gestating Genesaur
  7. A [10-40] Fiona (optional)

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