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Image of Vokmar
Title Stormguard
Stormrider (formerly)
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormriders
Location Ironforge and Isle of Dorn
Status Alive

Vokmar is a member of the Stormriders serving as one of Stormward Lufsela's Stormguards. He is first encountered in the Stormperch after Stormguard Gorren betrayed the order and corrupted many of the Stormriders turning them into skardyn. Vokmar helped Stormward Baelgrim and a party of adventurers defeat Gorren, his followers and the abominations they unleashed upon the place.[1] Some time after he lost his stormrook in a battle and was wounded. He could then be found recovering in Dornogal.[2] After Lufsela became the new Stormward she appointed Vokmar and Olbarig as her Stormguards, a position usually held by only one person. Later he traveled to Ironforge as an emissary on behalf of the defense forces of Dornogal.

Objective of


Main article: Calling the Stormriders#Notes
Main article: After the Storm#Notes
Gossip at the Great Forge in Ironforge

<Name>! I see our directives bring us together once more.

I am glad. It is good to see you.

No doubt you've heard that Olbarig and I stand as Lufsela's new Stormguards. I am surprised by her decision. Olbarig was a fine Stormguard in his time, even if his beliefs were... unorthodox. I did not need to share in this honor.

But it would seem we both represent something that the new Stormward requires. Olbarig saw Lufsela's potential. Baelgrim did too. I am humbled by her trust in me.

I'd like to think Baelgrim would be proud to see what we have accomplished.

Gossip What brings you to Ironforge?

I am here as an emissary on behalf of the defense forces of Dornogal. The events of recent history have made it clear we need allies.

The Alliance has impressed me with their valor--their decisive response to our call to action and their selfless bravery in the face of adversity and hopelessness.

And after watching the Wildhammers train the newest generation of Stormriders... well, I knew I had to see for myself where this Alliance came from.

It made sense for us to come to Ironforge for obvious reasons... But also young Dagran would not hear of us not touring his ancestral home before heading to Stormwind.

Gossip Have you met with the Council of Three Hammers yet?

Affirmative. Muradin gave us a tour of the city himself. I think I have met the entire Bronzebeard clan.

I had a long chat with Falstad too--he was very interested in my stormrook when I arrived.

<Vokmar smiles broadly.>

According to him, the rooks are creatures of Wildhammer myth and legend. He told me tales his clan had passed down about similar elemental rooks that the first Wildhammers befriended generations ago.

Earthen and rook... dwarf and gryphon. I am starting to wonder if Olbarig and that geomender Harmot weren't so full of marbles after all.

Don't tell him I said that.

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