Viletongue tribe

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MobViletongue tribe
Main leader Mob  Borokhula the Destroyer
Secondary leaders Mob  Champion Sithiss
Mob  Huntmaster S'thoc
Race(s) Saurok Saurok
Base of operations Unknown
Theater of operations Thunderpaw Overlook, Thunderpaw Refuge
Status Active

The Viletongue tribe of saurok that attack Thunderpaw Overlook and Thunderpaw Refuge in The Jade Forest during A Brewing Storm. They are prodigious climbers, as they scale the mountainside with ease to waylay travelers. One of the tribe's members, Huntmaster S'thoc, has developed a poison named after the tribe, the Viletongue Sting.[1] With the help of adventurers, Brewmaster Blanche and her  [Boomer Brew] defeat them.[2]




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Judghing by the location, the Bloodthirsty Saurok may also be from the Viletongue.
