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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
No image available
Gender Male
Race Titan (titan)
Status Deceased

Pangu is a primordial being and creation Titan. According to the legend, Pangu separated heaven and earth, and his body later became geographic features such as mountains and roaring water.


In various versions of the myth, Pangu either hatches from a cosmic egg or awakens from a long slumber inside a chaotic mass that encompasses both heaven and earth. Upon realizing that these two elements are intertwined without distinction, he sets about the task of separation using a mighty ax. As Pangu splits the heavens from the earth, he causes them to drift apart, creating space where once there was none. Over thousands of years, he grows taller, holding back the heavens while allowing the earth to settle beneath his feet.


Upon completing his monumental task, Pangu eventually succumbs to exhaustion and dies. Yet, his body does not dissipate into nothingness. Instead, it transforms into myriad components of the universe:

  • His breath becomes wind and clouds.
  • His voice echoes as thunder.
  • His left eye forms the sun, while his right eye becomes the moon.
  • His limbs evolve into the four corners of the earth.
  • His blood flows as rivers.
  • His muscles turn into fertile land.
  • His sweat falls as rain.
  • His hair grows into forests and vegetation.
  • His teeth harden into precious gems and minerals.
  • His essence disperses to create the stars.

This transformative process symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence, where one entity gives birth to multiple others, ensuring continuity and evolution throughout the universe.


The story of Pangu has been retold and adapted countless times over millennia, appearing in various texts including ancient scriptures, folk tales, and modern literature such as Chronicle of Myers. It continues to inspire artists, writers, and thinkers alike, serving as a testament to human fascination with origins and the quest to understand the mysteries of creation.

See also