User:Xzdxdd123/Giuseppe Attilisi

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralGiuseppe Attilisi
No image available
Title <Grandmaster of Saint Joseph>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Protection Paladin
Affiliation(s) Knights of Saint Joseph
Location Various
Status Deceased (died in 2115 of 100 ages old)

Giuseppe Attilisi is the protagonist of the sequel to the Chronicle of Myers series, Doom and Revive.


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Before the Cataclysm

Attirisi was born in Valle del Fuoco, Occidenmarzia, China. His parents were of mixed Uiguri and Italian descent, and he could even speak Italian fluently. He was baptized as a Catholic at the age of six months, and confessed his faith at the age of 12. In his adult life, he has always been involved in Catholic affairs, and even vaguely noticed that Eugene Negne betrayed Catholicism and joined the Demon's Wheel sect.

Whether in the Japanese Independence War or the Third World War, he still prayed in the cathedral of Valle del Fuoco. As a priest, he deeply understood his faith... and piety. Because his family had a strong Catholic background, they lived a happy life.

However, his prayers in the church continued until the Cataclysm.

Crusade the Cultists

Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

With the outbreak of the Cataclysm, countless countries, countless worlds, and countless people suffered from dire straits.

In order to find out the truth of the Cataclysm, he walked out of the cathedral. He picked up the hammer and round shield, put on the battle robe, and embarked on an adventure.

He recruited and led heroes from all over the world to establish the Knights of St. Joseph, and launched the largest crusade war in history against the Demon's Wheel cult all over the world. He finally defeated the Demon's Wheel and personally guided the third leader of the captured Demon's Wheel.

Coronation and Pope's throne

After the Devil's Wheel War ended, he ascended the throne as the Catholic Pope to make up for the great mistakes of the Catholic Church. Since then, he has been called Joseph I by later generations.

He is the first Catholic Pope of Chinese nationality in history, and the first Catholic Pope to overthrow his predecessor and replace him through war. And his rule over the Catholic Church lasted for nearly half a century.

Faced with the vacuum within the Knights and the Pope's inability to serve as the head of the Knights, the position of the Grand Master of the Knights of St. Joseph was finally passed to the Grand General of the Knights of St. Joseph, who was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in the northern Rhine Province of the Holy Roman Empire, in 2075. Willem van Rossum, the most meritorious general who fought against the Devil's Wheel in the Western Hemisphere during the Devil's Wheel War.

When the Demon Legion invaded the earth, Joseph I called on all Catholics around the world to fight against the invasion of the Demon Legion, and later Rossum led his troops to resist the uncontrolled threat of the undead.

In 2115, after many wars, Joseph I, the longest-serving Pope who had sat firmly on the throne of the Catholic Church for 65 years, died at the age of 100.


After the death of Pope Joseph I, Catholics all over the world mourned and cried for him, as the once great hero had passed away.

The descendants of the former elders of the Order of Knights remembered his name, and no matter where he was born, someone would build a monument for him.


  • Some people say that Giuseppe Attilisi (Joseph I) is the Catholic Tokugawa Ieyasu, or the Catholic Qin Shihuang, or the Catholic Emperor Hirohito.