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Title <The Consumer
Firstblade of the Morradi>
Gender Male
Race Mantid (Humanoid)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Status Deceased

Kil'brek was known to be an arrogant and most cruel Mantid who committed countless atrocities in the name of the Shath'Yar. However, when he chose to spare a single village in a rare moment of mercy, his act of weakness led to his execution. His soul remains in Revendreth, for the Venthyr believe that he is on the verge on redeeming himself for his past crimes.


Firstblade of the Morradi

Known to be the "Firstblade of the Morradi", Kil'brek was once ordained as the hero of Klaxxi'vess, Kil'brek the Consumer would prepare to lead a flanking charge against Ra-den's Vanguard with such veracity that is broke the marching offensive. Despite his successes on the battlefield, Kil'brek was deemed a heretic by his people while leading his forces not with the intent to swarm and propigate his species, but to exact his hatred and vengeance against any living creature. It was by his orders that the vanguard of Ra-den was broken and shattered. It was by his orders that the peaceful races of Pandaria were hunted and terrorized. And it was his glee at sowing chaos that was at last his downfall. His actions brought the wrath of the Mogu, who proceeded to wipe out a vast swarth of his people and nearly kill their Queen. In her hubris, she ordered his execution.


Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

After his execution, Kil'brek would venture into the Shadowlands and was to be sent to Revendreth to atone for his crimes.