User:Slamshady/Orin Orala

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AllianceOrin Orala
Image of Orin Orala
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Level 85
Class Shaman
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Occupation Special Forces, Leatherworker, Engineer
Location Stormwind City
Khaz Modan US
Status Alive
Relative(s) Anaiya Kilwin (mother), Ordan Orala (father)
Mentor(s) Drakk Stonehand, Huran Firewind
Companion(s) Sam Benson, Michael Jollner

Orin Orban Orala, also known by just his last name Orala, is a former member of the Dragons, a Special Forces unit of the Alliance army. Apparently genial and friendly to those he meets, Orala holds a hidden hatred of incompetence and stupidity, as well as a slightly xenophobic outlook. He was an integral member of many important and difficult missions as a member of the Dragons before he retired after defeating Deathwing the Destroyer.


Early Life

Born to a Bronzebeard mother from Kharanos and a traveling Wildhammer father in 16 BDP (age 45), Orin was a unique case from the beginning. Inheriting strong traits from both clans, he was able to live peacefully in Dun Morogh with his mother until late adolescence. With a condescending personality, he always felt like those around him were weak; although he kept these thoughts to himself. He grew tired of martial training to be an Ironforge guard and he did not enjoy the constant snow. Thus, he decided he would try to find his father in the Hinterlands to connect with the other half of his heritage. He did not find his father, but there he learned from Huran Firewind that the strange mood swings he had felt his whole life were related to the elements of nature surrounding him. He trained with the shamans of Aerie Peak and very quickly became a competent channeler of the elements, showing more talent at a young age than many of the aged shaman in the Wildhammer Clan. His talents were especially honed in the use of raging fire and wrathful lightning, fitting his hidden personality. He came of age in 25 ADP and returned to Dun Morogh, living in an inn in Ironforge.

Joining the Dragons

It was in the Ironforge inn that he first met Sam Benson, a young recruit in the Alliance army at the time. They quickly became friends after coming to a draw in a drunken duel, but it wasn't until years later that he joined the Dragons when Sam privately contacted him for assistance in the raid on the Titan city of Ulduar. Wanting to discover the secrets of Azeroth's creation like any good dwarf, he went, and found himself keeping up with and actually being useful in the highly trained group. He stayed with the team after Yogg-Saron's defeat, and was a pivotal asset for many battles.

Military Service

Orala originally served in the "Prestige" group under the command of Nerala Fedorath, and later Sam Benson. After the Shattering, he volunteered for re-assignment in the newly formed "Convergence" group under Iggy Rodspark. He served with them until the Siege of Wyrmrest Temple, where he joined with the "Sunder" group after Convergence suffered heavy losses against Deathwing's lieutenants.

Current Activities

Recently, after assisting in the defeat of Deathwing, he has lived in the Dwarven District of Stormwind, drinking often to hide his disdain.


With the hearty build and rough voice of the Bronzebeard clan, his bushy fire-red beard, tanned skin, and dark eyes show the Wildhammer in him. He tends to wear a mail coat of some kind regardless of where he is or what he is doing, probably due to paranoia that someone will try to stab him. He is proficient in many kinds of weapons, and he varies his usage between a single mace in company with a shield to two large one-handed axes based on his current mood.


Orala comes across to most as a well-mannered dwarf (as well-mannered as a dwarf can be...), but hides a deep hatred for incompetence and stupidity underneath. Not that he hasn't done stupid things (he is, in fact, a dwarf). He says what's on his mind when he's among friends, and sometimes does so regardless of his company. Despite being afraid of heights and preferring a mountain-sized roof over his head like any good Bronzebeard, he carries the deep-rooted xenophobia of his Wildhammer side as well. The fact that two of his best friends are human (Sam Benson and Michael Jollner) does not change this fact; other than those two, he prefers the company of dwarves he does not know over those of a different race who he has known for years.


Over the years, he has collected different kinds of weapons and mail armor, and uses each one specific to certain kinds of battles. Not always in melee combat, Orala will sometimes carry weapons that allow him to channel his power over the elements with more potency, as opposed to those that allow him to showcase his aggressive melee combat style. While in the Hinterlands, Orala also studied and worked with Drakk Stonehand for a time and became a fairly skilled leatherworker himself. He also dabbles in engineering, and it is not uncommon for him to attach some gnomish engineering devices to his gear that he makes with his own hands. The following list highlights notable weaponry and armor that has fallen into Orala's personal collection.


  •  [Netherbane] - Found in The Eye by Nerala Fedorath, it was gifted to Orala as a welcome into the "Prestige" group. This axe consists of a number of impossibly sharp crystals of unknown origin, held together by seemingly nothing. It's intense glow increases against worthy foes.
  •  [No'Kaled, the Elements of Death] - A wicked axe fashioned by Sam Benson out of the elementium armor and spikes that adorned Deathwing the Destroyer, Orala owns two of these that he wields with more efficiency than most, as he can use the weapon's power with his own to evoke the harsh elements of fire, shadow, and frost.


  • Sanctified Frost Witch's Battlegear - Taking the existing armor inside Icecrown Citadel meant for the frost weavers of the Vrykul under the service of the Lich King, Orala re-purposed and re-sized the armor for his own use with the help of Jedebia.
  • Battlegear of the Raging Elements - Imbued with the overabundance of power from the raging elements of Azeroth by Earthen Ring shamans following the Cataclysm, this gear channels those powers, making this gear a perfect fit for a shaman of Orala's caliber.
  • Cataclysmic Gladiator's Earthshaker - Created by goblins for use in the arena, this lightweight battlegear is meant to be both imposing and practical. Against lesser opponents or when operating on his own, Orala will tend to use this battlegear for increased mobility.
  • Spiritwalker's Battlegear - Orala's first attempt at making a fully stylized set of armor was a resounding success in the Spiritwalker raiment. Going up against the raw and savage power of Deathwing and his army, Orala attempted to match the intimidation in this set. Fashioned out of huge wolf skulls, immensely powerful amber crystals from Deepholme, and dragon bone fetishes from Deathwing's dragon brood, the ornaments are latched on with thick leather and lengths of rope. As it is his own work of art, you will most likely find him in battle wearing this set of armor.

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