Raedolf "Redmane" Yaeger

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The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralRaedolf "Redmane" Yaeger
Image of Raedolf "Redmane" Yaeger

Nightbane Packlord Redmane the Speaker The Red Wolf Packlard

Gender Male
Race Worgen

Primal, Hunter,

Druid of the Pack
Reaction Alliance Horde

Wolf Cult Nightbane pack Druids of the Scythe

Redmane Pack
Former affiliation(s)

Gilneas Liberation Front Bloodfang Pack

Cenarion Circle

Redmane Pack Alpha Nighthbane Packlord (under Packleader Marus) Monster Hunter

Wolf Cultist
Location Duskwood
Status Alive

Ambrosette (ranger)

Relorian (druid of the scythe)

Raedolf "Redmane" Yeager is a Gilnean worgen and Wolf Cultist. He is the current leader of the Redmane Pack, a small sub-pack within the Nightbane. By day, Raedolf Yaeger is a huntsman gone monsterhunter, known for taking down monsters other humans usually cannot. Find Raedolf in the woods, however, and you'll find him as he really is. Going by Redmane among the Nightbane, he embraces the form as any other Duskwood worgen would. You'll find him praising Goldrinn on the hunt, sparring and running with others in the pack, and even offering the bite to new initiates.

Raedolf grew up in Pyrewood , just outside Gilneas. He was bitten during the Fall of Gilneas, while helping catch and medicate mindless Gilneans. He hoped to find his father among them, but never did. He stayed behind in Gilneas to fight alongside Crowley's men and the Bloodfang, while also searching for his father. His fascination in the worgen has only grown over time, and he found himself alienated and mocked for how readily he accepted the strengths of the 'curse'. He has since joined and lead multiple packs, fought in Goldrinn's name, and earned renown and membership among the Nightbane Worgen of Duskwood.


Raedolf was born in Pyrewood Village outside Gilneas.


As a human, Raedolf stands somewhat shorter than the average man and is light on his feet, but the veteran's serious deep green eyes and a wild mane of red hair hint he is not one to be messed with. His pale skin is freckled especially on his face, arms, and shoulders, red body hair can be seen on his arms and chest, and scars decorate his hide from years of war and hunting.


Raedolf frequently becomes a father figure to younger characters, and as such, enjoys torturing them with dad jokes.

Sometimes he'll use his human form - with a wolf mask on - when at meetings on behalf of the pack, but wild worgen society embraces the worgen form, going so far as to call it "the Purity".


"If the legends I hear are correct... the Naga entered the sea around ten thousand years ago. Looong before humans ever arrived on these shores... what... three thousand years ago? For all you know, the Sirens are Naga tha' took up residence on these shores in the time of the Drust. Or... their origins are darker still. Whatever the case, they ain't some kind o' toad you'll get warts from, or a black cat that'll give ya bad luck. These are man-eating snake-bitches with tits." - Raedolf Yaeger, professional ass monsterhunter, 2/21/19


Raedolf enjoys spicy food, as a challenge to his resolve and composure.

Cats inspire an allergic reaction, amplified by the heightened senses of the worgen curse.
