User:Queldoreifanaticz/Amorielle Churchlight

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AllianceAmorielle Churchlight
No image available
Gender female
Race High elf
Class Scribe
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation High Scribe of the Highvales
Location Currently Unknown
Status Alive

Amorielle Churchlight is a High Elf Scribe in Quel'Danil Loge. She used to be a master Inscription trainer in the lodge. After the Shattering, She left the lodge for unknown reasons though in time to time she visits her home.


Amorielle is a passive and aloof one. Amorielle at her best is a calm, considerate and tolerant individual. In her worse, she is a sadist, hyprocite and psychophant. Despite her evil ego, she hates and avoids personal confrontation. As a scribe a she is intelligent, wise, creative and smart being. And as a former Ranger she is alert and active.