User:Nincaro/Lernu, the Swooping Shade

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The Encounter

Lernu's Abilities

  • Inv misc monsterscales 05.png Wing Strike — Lernu strikes the target with his wings, dealing physical damage and slowing their attack speed by 60% for 20 seconds. This also has a chance to toss them in to the air for bonus fall damage when they land.
  • Inv misc slime 02.png Ebon Blood — Lernu is constantly leaking plagued blood, which deals constant shadow damage to everyone who attacks him in melee. Passive effect that is applied to Lernu when he reaches 50% health.
  • Spell shadow shadowwordpain.png Destroy Statue — Lernu destroys one of five statues around the room, summoning a unique add depending on which one he completely destroys. Cast at 75% health and 25% health.
  • Spell deathknight bloodpresence.png Glare of Hostility — Lernu focuses his gaze on an enemy for 10 seconds, slowly driving them insane, which deals increasing shadow damage every second.

Spirit of Truth's Abilities

  • Spell shadow lifedrain02.png Share Truth — The spirit shows three targets the truth, mind controlling them for 20 seconds and increasing their attack speed by 500% while the effect lasts.

Spirit of Depression's Abilities

  • Inv misc monsterclaw 02.png Depressing Touch — The spirit deals bonus shadow damage with every strike and has a 20% chance to turn a target to stone for 50 seconds instead.

Spirit of Magic's Abilities

  • Ability warrior bloodnova.png Arcane Shock — The spirit deals a burst of arcane damage to a target and polymorphs them for up to 20 seconds, turning them in to a harmless sewer rat.

Spirit of Losing's Abilities

  • Spell arcane prismaticcloak.png Poor Loser — The spirit is constantly radiating an aura of fury, empowering nearby allies (and itself) with 150% increased movement speed while in the area.

Spirit of Wealth's Abilities

  • Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Rain of Greed — The spirit showers five targets in dark magic, dealing shadow damage and paralyzing them for 30 seconds if they stand in it for 10 seconds or more. Effects the location that the targets had been in when the spell was cast.


  • Shade of the Past - Complete the Lernu, the Swooping Shade encounter without allowing any of the spirits to remain alive for more than 2 minutes.


  • Lok'troh yells: Unleash the Shade upon these intruders! We shall see how they handle an encounter with such a dark and twisted beast as that creature!
Destroying Statue at 75% Health
  • Lok'troh yells: Ah...I see this creature has some shining intelligence! Good! Time to see what effect such a strategic approach will have on this battle!
Destroying Statue at 25% Health
  • Lok'troh yells: Another use of that strategy, eh? Let us see if it works out better and actually helps the creature kill the fools this time!
  • Lok'troh yells: I see now that these fools who serve the Whisperer are hopeless! I shall be gone from here!
Death on Heroic Mode
  • Lok'troh yells: Slaying this beast accomplished nothing! It merely served to distract you while the others enforced the inner halls! Come and find me if you dare!