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Hello, I'm Abrahams.

I post on the Customer Support forums on my warlock, Abrahams, from the realm Dalaran.

I enjoy roleplaying on World of Warcraft, so you can expect me to do a little roleplaying on the forums and WoWPedia.

I will help out wherever I can, if you need help with something in the game, say something on my talk page. =)

Things I do on WoWPedia

I am the type who will create any articles that do not exist for things in game. I'm also the type to correct spelling and grammar errors and reword sentences that do not make sense or are just in need of rewording to prevent confusion. I like to create roleplaying articles for different things.

Another thing I do is remove things that do not belong in articles (Things on completely different topics than what the article is about, like a biography on Varian Wrynn in Thrall's article, unless needed, and other things). I do what I can to make sure WoWPedia is in the best possible shape.

For the Horde

I have mostly Alliance, but my heart lies with the Horde, especially the Tauren. I love the lore behind them and everything about them. There is nothing that could possibly make me like any race more than them. Sorry Alliance, but I'm a traitor. =P And proud to be one too. For the Horde!

My Specialties

I am very good at helping people with retrieving their accounts after compromises. (I know the steps, about the same as an average player I guess, but still one of the things I'm good at with helping out in.), I am also a Blood Hound when it comes to sniffing out phishing emails, so if you aren't sure, just ask me!

I also am a good roleplayer, so if you have any questions on that, just ask me! I'll do my best to help.