User:MaxWilder/Gearing Up with Leather

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Notes for progressing to better gear. Designed for Druids, who specialize in leather. However, druids can be Tanks (Feral Bear), Healer (Restoration), or DPS (Balance and Feral Cat). Luckily, both Feral Bear and Feral Cat generally benefit most from Agility, and both Restoration and Balance generally benefit the most from Intelligence. Thus we need only show two progression charts. Items that clearly benefit a specific task should be noted (Tank vs DPS, Healer vs DPS), but might be useful for upgrade purposes by the other role.

Note that a lot of slots can be filled with available quest gear as high as ilvl 333. This page is just for dungeon drops, so far.

Agility Leather

Slot ilvl 308 ilvl 316 ilvl 333 ilvl 346 ilvl 359
Head  [Renouncer's Cowl]

Corla, Herald of Twilight
Blackrock Caverns

 [Helm of Numberless Shadows]
High Priestess Azil

 [Renouncer's Cowl]

Corla, Herald of Twilight
Blackrock Caverns (Heroic)

 [Helm of Numberless Shadows]
High Priestess Azil
Stonecore (Heroic

Neck  [Pendant of the Lightless Grotto]


 [Mouth of the Earth]
Earthrager Ptah
Halls of Origination

 [Pendant of the Lightless Grotto]

Stonecore (Heroic)

 [Mouth of the Earth]
Earthrager Ptah
Halls of Origination (Heroic)

 [Acorn of the Daughter Tree]
[[Guardians of Hyj