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Speed Macro:

/script x=GetUnitSpeed("player") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("Speed: %.4f yds/sec, %.1f kph, %.1f mph, %.2f%% normal run speed",x,x*3600/1093.6133,x*45/22,x/7*100))


Abyssal Seahorse 25.9722 yrds/sec, 85.5 kph, 53.1 mph, 371.03% normal run speed
Sea Turtle (Vashj'ir) 18.8889 yrds/sec, 62.2 kph, 38.6 mph, 269.84% normal run speed
Sea Turtle (normal)  7.5556 yrds/sec, 24.9 kph, 15.4 mph, 107.94% normal run speed
Swimming (normal)  4.7222 yrds/sec, 15.5 kph,  9.7 mph,  67.46% normal run speed


Coordinates with map




NPC infobox

|name     = 
|image    = 
|title    = 
|level    = 
|type     = 
|faction  = 
|city     = 
|aggro    = {{Aggro||}}
|race     = 
|creature = 
|sex      = 
|location = [[]] {{coords|||}}

Item & Loot

  • {{cost|<gold>|<silver>|<copper>|<abbrev=>}}
    • {{costitem|<number>|<item page name>|<display name/desired link>}}
  • {{elinks-object|<Object ID>|<Allakhazam ID>|<notid=>|<nowid=>}}
  • {{item|<page name>|<optional item name>}}
Note: |icon= is optional.
  • {{loot|<quality>|<page name>|<optional item name>}}
common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, artifact.
  • {{lootbox|<caption>|<item1>|<item2>|<item3>|<etc.>}}

Loot infobox


| arg={{{arg|}}}
|icon      = 
|stack     = 
|name      = 
|quality   = 
|bind      = BoE,BoU,BoP
|duration  = 
|qitem     = 
|unique    = 
|unique-eq = 
|qbegin    = 
|slot      = 
|type      = 
|dmg       = 
|dmgtype   = 
|speed     = 
|bonus     = 
|dps       = 
|armor     = 
|block     = 
|attrib    = 
|req       = 
|sockets   = {{socket|}}
|sockbonus = 
|locked    = 
|bag       = 
|races     = 
|classes   = 
|rfaction  = 
|rep       = 
|skill     = 
|level     = 
|effect    = 
|create    = 
|createq   = 
|mats      = 
|charges   = 
|cooldown  = 
|cast      = 
|flavor    = 
|vendor    = {{cost|||}}
|sell      = {{cost|||}}
|ilvl      = 

CATACLYSM Flight Masters

Callystah (2010-10-29)

This is a list of flight paths in game. Thanks to all who have contributed to the thread during Alpha and Beta.

A - Alliance
H - Horde
X - Neutral/Combined
(New) - New to Cataclysm
† - Special Note


Arathi Highlands

  • A - Refuge Point
  • H - Hammerfall
  • H - Galen's Fall (New)


  • H - New Kargath (New)
  • X - Fuselight (New)
  • H - Bloodwatcher Point (New)
  • A - Dustwind Dig (New)
  • A - Dragon's Mouth (New)

Blasted Lands

  • A - Nethergarde Keep
  • H - Dreadmaul Hold / Orc Camp (New)
  • A - Surwich (New)
  • H - Sunveil Excursion (New)

Burning Steppes

  • A - Morgan's Vigil
  • H - Flame Crest
  • X - Chiselgrip (New)

The Cape of Stranglethorn

  • X - Booty Bay
  • H - Hardwrench's Hideaway (New)
  • A - Explorer's League Digsite (New)

Dun Morogh

  • A - Ironforge
  • A - Kharanos (New)
  • A - Gol'Bolar Quarry (New)


  • A - Darkshire
  • A - Raven Hill (New)

Eastern Plaguelands

  • X - Light's Hope Chapel
  • X - Acherus, The Ebon Hold (Death Knights only)
  • X - Crown Guard Tower (New)
  • X - Corin's Crossing Tower (New)
  • X - Eastwall Tower (New)
  • X - Northpass Tower (New)
  • X - Plaguewood Tower (New)

Elwynn Forest

  • A - Stormwind City
  • A - Goldshire (New)
  • A - Eastvale Logging Camp (New)

Eversong Woods

  • H - Silvermoon City
  • H - Fairbreeze Village (New)


  • H - Tranquillien
  • X - Zul'Aman/Hatchet Hills

Hillsbrad Foothills (includes former Alterac Mountains zone)

† Southshore (gone, town captured)
  • H - Tarren Mill - town redesigned
  • H - Southpoint Gate (New)
  • H - Ruins of Southshore (New)
  • H - Eastpoint Tower (New)
  • H - Strahnbrad (New)

The Hinterlands

  • A - Aerie Peak
  • H - Revantusk Village
  • H - Hiri'watha Research Station (New)
  • A - Stormfeather Outpost (New)

Isle of Quel'Danas

  • X - Shattered Sun Staging Area

Loch Modan

  • A - Thelsamar
  • A - Farstrider's Lodge (New)

Northern Stranglethorn

  • A - Rebel Camp
  • A - Fort Livingston (New)
  • H - Grom'Gol Base Camp
  • H - Bambala (New)

Redridge Mountains

  • A - Lakeshire
  • A - Camp Everstill (New)
  • A - Shalewind Canyon (New)
  • A - Keeshan's Post (New)

Ruins of Gilneas

  • H - Forsaken Forward Command (New) - must do quests in Silverpine to get into correct phase

Searing Gorge

  • X - Thorium Point
  • X - Iron Summit (New)

Silverpine Forest

  • H - The Sepulcher
  • H - Forsaken High Command (New) - quest-phased, must be unlocked
  • H - Forsaken Front (New) - quest-phased, must be unlocked

The Sunken City of Vashj'ir

  • X - Sandy Beach (Air) (New)
  • X - Smuggler's Cove (Swim) (New)
  • X - Silver Tide Hollow (Swim) (New)
  • H - Legion's Rest (Swim) (New)
  • A - Tranquil Wash (Swim) (New)

Swamp of Sorrows

  • H - Stonard
  • A - The Harborage (New)
  • A - Marshtide Watch (New)
  • X - Bogpaddle (New)

Tirisfal Glades

  • H - The Undercity
  • H - The Bulwark
  • H - Brill (New)

Twilight Highlands

  • A - Highbank (New) (Phased)
  • H - Dragonmaw Port (New) (Phased)
  • H - The Gullet (New)
  • A - Firebeard's Patrol (New)
  • H - Bloodgulch (New)
  • A - Kirthaven (New)
  • H - Crushblow (New)
  • A - Victory Point (New)
  • H - The Krazzworks (New)
  • X - Vermillion Redoubt (New)

Western Plaguelands

  • X - Thondroril River
  • A - Chillwind Point
  • X - The Mender's Stead (New)
  • A - Western Andorhal (New)
  • H - Eastern Andorhal (New)
  • X - Hearthglen (New)


  • A - Sentinel Hill
  • A - Moonbrook (New)
  • A - Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm (New)


  • A - Menethil Harbor
  • A - Dun Modr (New)
  • A - Whelgar's Retreat (New)
  • A - Greenwarden's Grove (New)
  • A - Slabchisel's Survey (New)


Ashenvale Forest

  • A - Blackfathom Camp (New)
  • A - Astranaar
  • A - Stardust Spire (New)
  • A - Forest Song
  • H - Hellscream's Watch (New)
  • H - Silverwind Refuge (New)
  • H - Splintertree Post
  • H - Zoram'Gar Outpost


  • H - Bilgewater Harbor (New)
  • H - Bitter Reaches / Northern Rocketway Terminus (New)
  • H - Southern Rocketway Terminus (New)
  • H - Valormok

Azuremyst Isle

  • A - The Exodar - now inside city, bottom of main ramp, and connects to Rutheran Village (Teldrassil)
  • A - Azure Watch (New)

Bloodmyst Isle

  • A - Blood Watch


  • A - Lor'Danel (New)
  • A - Grove of the Ancients (New)


  • A - Nijel's Point
  • H - Shadowprey Village
  • X - Thunk's Abode (New)
  • X - Karnum's Glade (New)
  • X - Ethel Rethor (New)
  • A - Thargad's Camp (New)
  • H - Furien's Post (New)


  • H - Orgrimmar
  • H - Razor Hill (New)
  • H - Sen'jin Village (New)

Dustwallow Marsh

  • A - Theramore Isle
  • H - Brackenwall Village
  • X - Mudsprocket


  • A - Talonbranch Glade
  • X - Ruins of Constellas (New)
  • A - Whisperwind Grove (New)
  • X - Emerald Sanctuary
  • H - Irontree Clearing (New)


  • A - Dreamer's Rest (New)
  • A - Feathermoon (New) - replaces Ruins of Feathermoon (Stronghold) which is gone
  • A - Tower of Estulan (New)
  • A - Shadebough (New) - replaces Thalanaar, which is now under water
  • H - Camp Ataya (New)
  • H - Camp Mojache
  • H - Stonemaul Hold (New)


  • X - Nighthaven - FP for Druids of both factions only

A/* H - Moonglade Central - FP for all classes, Alliance near lake, Horde near tunnel

Mount Hyjal

  • X - Nordrassil (New)
  • X - The Shrine of Aviana (New)
  • X - The Shrine of Aessina (New)
  • X - Gates of Sothann (New)


  • H - Thunder Bluff
  • H - Bloodhoof Village (New)

Northern Barrens (formerly The Barrens)

  • X - Ratchet
  • H - Nozzlepot's Outpost (New)
  • H - The Crossroads
  • H - The Mor'shan Ramparts (New)


  • X - Cenarion Hold

Southern Barrens (formerly The Barrens)

† Camp Taurajo (gone, town destroyed)
  • A - Honor's Stand (New)
  • A - Northwatch Hold (New)
  • A - Fort Triumph (New)
  • H - Hunter's Hill (New)
  • H - Desolation Hold (New)

Stonetalon Mountains

† Stonetalon Peak (gone, town destroyed)
  • A - Thal'darah Overlook (New)
  • A - Mirkfallon Post (New)
  • A - Windshear Hold (New)
  • A - Farwatcher's Glen (New)
  • A - Northwatch Expedition Base Camp (New)
  • H - Cliffwalker Post (New)
  • H - Krom'Gar Fortress (New)
  • H - Malaka'jin (New)
  • H - Sun Rock Retreat
  • H - The Sludgewerks (New)


  • X - Gadgetzan - FPs are moved inside of town walls
  • X - Bootlegger Outpost (New)
  • A - Gunstan's Dig (New)
  • H - Dawnrise Expedition (New)


  • A - Dolanaar (New)
  • A - Darnassus - FP next to pink teleporter (New)
  • A - Ru'theran Village - FP moved next to pink teleporter, and connects to Exodar

Thousand Needles

† Freewind Post (gone, town captured)
  • X - Fizzle Pozzik's Speed Barge (New)
  • H - Westreach Summit (New)


  • X - Oasis of Vir'Sar (New)
  • X - Schnottz' Landing (New)
  • X - Ramkahen (New)

Un'Goro Crater

† Marshal's Refuge (gone, camp destroyed)
  • X - Marshal's Stand (New)
  • X - Mossy Pile (New)


  • X - Everlook