User:Lemona1d/The Mordant Borderlands Expansion Concept

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World of Warcraft: The Mordant Borderlands
The Mordant Borderlands logo.png
Maybe you can, maybe you can't

Setting The Stage



1. sharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker; biting.

2. burning; corrosive.

3. having the property of fixing colors, as in dyeing.

Azeroth is a strange, mystifying world, switching between brutish and serene seemingly at random much to the chagrin of its countless and colorful inhabitants. But as vast and immeasurable the planet may be, much of the world of Azeroth is currently untapped by most of the modern civilizations. Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, Pandaria, Northrend - as vibrant, magnificent, and far-reaching as they may be, these provinces and purlieus make up only half of the world's mass. Indeed, right around the corner and across an ocean, far away from the deep dwarven ruins and the elegant cities of the humans and the orc's brutish war camps, a completely different land awaits. It is unruly, it is untamed, it is uncivilized, it is... the Mordant Borderlands.


Become a sword-for-hire (then do it all over again)

The Borderlands are a wild and untamed place full of unsavory individuals at every turn and around every corner. Most of them are willing to hire muscle whenever they see a potential payout in their sights and won't say no to fresh blood doing their dirty work for them. Pledge allegiance to the wrong person, however, and you might find trouble the next time you're fixin' to make a profit.

Optional objectives make you feel good

A priest recites a prayer. A death knight puts a soul in agony to rest. A druid reclaims part of the land in the name of nature. These are just a few examples of the myriads of new optional objectives you can find while questing out in the world. These won't happen every single quest, of course, but they'll occur enough to make you feel like you're contributing a real difference to the world.

Come on, fill your cup up...

Ever wanted to swindle your way out of a fight or bribe your way to victory? In the Mordant Borderlands, you will have the opportunity gain experience and train yourself in ways that are less than morally righteous. Spend enough time doing work for others, and soon you'll find yourself in command of brand new powerful abilities - including earning permanently increased gold from enemies, and having an increased chance to loot items from fallen foes.

...Looking for some good luck?

Forging a new world in mysterious and treacherous lands can be health-consuming, sanity-waning... and wallet-draining. While spending your leisurely time in the Mordant Borderlands, you'll have more opportunities than ever before to accrue massive stockpiles of loot and make lucrative stacks of raw gold - all at the unfortunate expense of others, of course. Whatever it takes to make a profit, right?


  • Level cap raised to 100
  • New continent: The Mordant Borderlands
  • New Mercenary quests and talents
  • Player stat system revision
    • New secondary stats: Multistrike and Readiness
    • Numerical stat squish across the board with dynamically updating primary stats on all gear
    • Removal of antiquated stats such as hit, expertise, dodge, and parry
  • New hunter-gatherer primary profession: Scavenging
  • Many various quality-of-life improvements
    • Auction house listing fee and winning bid fee removed
    • Time spent on and cost of flight paths reduced
      • In addition, multiple flight paths added to old world content
    • Faster, easier methods of turning in multiple quests at once
  • Major overhaul of class talents - talents now differentiate between class specializations