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Things using the "vehicle-based" mechanic introduced in Wrath; aka Mountables, Combat Mounts/Vehicles, etc., as described on Vehicles (mechanic).

Quests/things to add vehicle info:

Vehicle/Mount Quest Movement* Notes
Scarlet Cannon (Light's Point) N Death Knight [8-30] Massacre At Light's Point Rotates
Frostbrood Vanquisher N Death Knight [8-30] An End To All Things... Flying
[Acherus Deathcharger] N Death Knight [8-30] Grand Theft Palomino Ground
Eye of Acherus N Death Knight [8-30] Death Comes From On High Flying
Steel gate flying machine A [10-30 Daily] Steel Gate Patrol, A [10-30] I've Got a Flying Machine! Flying
Nifflevar Harpoon gun A [10-30] It Goes to 11..., A [10-30] Let's Go Surfing Now Rotates maybe two different guns, surfing maybe not a vehicle
Flamebringer B [15-30] The Thane of Voldrune (2) Flying Can "talk" to Flamebringer without quest
Corastrasza's Drake N [30 Daily] Aces High!, N [30] Aces High! Flying?
Iron Rune Construct A [10-30] Iron Rune Constructs and You: Rocket Jumping etc. Ground 4 quests, first 3 to try abilities, 4th allows all 3
Wild Wyrm Thrusting Hodir's Spear Flying see also Hodir's Spear (helper item),  [Spear of Hodir] (quest-giver object)
 [Mekgineer's Chopper], Mechano-hog, Traveler's Tundra Mammoth n/a mounts maybe not "vehicles" anymore?
scout's horse A [15-30] Escape from Silverbrook Auto-pilot / Ground Player is a passenger
Alliance Steam Tank A [15-30] Steamtank Surprise ?
Wintergarde Gryphon A [15-30] Flight of the Wintergarde Defender Flying uses  [Wintergarde Gryphon Whistle]
Frosthound B [25-30] Sniffing Out the Perpetrator (A/H) Auto-pilot / Ground uses  [Frosthound's Collar]
Argent Skytalon N [25-30] Into The Wild Green Yonder Flying to rescue Captured Crusader
Argent Cannon N [25-30] The Last Line Of Defense Rotates

Include link to vehicles page, both for object and for quest. Put object in vehicles cat (when there is one).

Note * All movement is player-controlled except "Auto-pilot"