User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/The Shadowlands

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The Shadowlands
Gyak wh splash.png
The Shadowlands
Location The Saron Defile
End boss Odyn the Abominable
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 100+

The final raid of World's Heart Tier 1 Raids.


Jaina Proudmoore seeks to master the power of Death in order to bring an end to the countless losses inflicted upon the world by war. To do so, she has captured powerful artifacts related to the focusing of death magic and entered the Shadowlands, the dimension of Death itself, to perform as ritual that will grant her the power she seeks. But a malevolent intelligence seeks to usurp her ritual for its own purposes...

Encounters by Area

Bosses Monsters
The Shadowrift
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Rift Warden Khayron
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Necroshade Warden
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Necroshade Deathdealer
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Necroshade Conqueror
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Necroshade Stalker
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Doomhulk Abomination
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Wailing Specter
  • IconSmall Voidwalker.gif Forlorn Soul
Malykriss, the Saronite Necropolis
  • IconSmall Hir'eek.gif The Immortals of Malykriss
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Eternal
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Wraith of Malykriss
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Malykrine Deathknight
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Malykrine Darkblade
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Malykrine Vilecaster
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Shadowsoul Parasite
The Hollow Pass
  • IconSmall Kimbul.gif Nottjarmna, the Dark Val'kyr
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Necrotic Val'kyr
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Necrotic Var'gul
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Vilefate Carrion-Feaster
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Vilefate Mauler
Summit of Demise
  • IconSmall Hakkar.gif Azraeuz, Incarnate of Death
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Deadlight Haunt
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Deadlight Geist
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Necrophotic Tendril
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Necrophotic Eye
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Necrophotic Pustule
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Necrophotic Globule
  • IconSmall Hakkar.gif Odyn, the Abominable
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Throrgrund Gravebreaker
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Viorjar Helmourn
  • IconSmall FelBat.gif Braggi Rotbeard

Boss Encounters

Rift Warden Khayron


Immortals of Malykriss


Nottjarmna, the Dark Val'kyr


Azraeuz, Incarnate of Death


Odyn, the Abominable



Jaina Proudmoore, seeking the ability to master Death itself in order to bring an end to loss, sought out relics of great power hidden in Azeroth's underworld, many of which were associated with the Black Empire and in the keeping of the nerubians. The two most noteworthy however were the necroplis Malykriss, forged of the blood of the Old God Yogg-Saron, and the Black Casket, a treasure hidden in Icecrown Citadel that contains the body of Arthas Menethil, the former Lich King.

With these relics, Jaina entered the Shadowlands to seek out the Incarnate of Death and seize a final artifact - the Eye of Odyn. This relic was traded to the Incarnate of Death by Odyn long ago in exchange for a measure of power over the realm of the dead. With the Eye of Odyn as a focus, Jaina intends to master the powers of death, allowing her to continually resurrect any who perish. With mastery over death, Jaina intends to finally stop the endless cycle of war between the Alliance and the Horde. However, Jaina's reckless bid for the power she seeks has made her many enemies, including keeper Odyn himself, who demands that she be brought to heel before she can find his eye.

After reaching the heart of the Shadowlands and summoning Azraeuz, Jaina successfully captures the Eye from him. Jaina uses the Eye of Odyn and the Black Casket as totems to draw the power of the Shadowlands into Malykriss, the saronite necropolis, which acts as a massive holding vessel for the power. The ritual is threatened by the sudden arrival of Odyn and his Valarjar forces, who intend to halt the ritual. However, before Odyn can take action, something goes hideously wrong with Jaina's ritual.

The flow of power through the Eye becomes corrupted, and infuses itself in the Black Casket, which erupts. Emerging from the destruction is the revived body of Arthas Menethil, the former Lich King, animated by the dark essence of Yogg-Saron. Mortally wounding Jaina, Yogg-Saron reveals that his essence had lain dormant within Malykriss, the necropolis forged of his own blood, manipulating matters until he could be revived in a new vessel. Yogg-Saron reveals that Odyn's eye was long ago tainted by Yogg-Saron's servant, Ysildar, and that Odyn chose this eye to trade away to save himself from being fully corrupted. Instead, the tainted eye corrupted Azraeuz and gave Yogg-Saron a foothold in the Shadowlands to spread his influence. Now, Yogg-Saron has capitalized on his manipulations, and risen to become a true God of Death.

Yogg-Saron casts the polluted eye back into Odyn himself, corrupting the keeper and transforming Odyn into an insane abomination. Yogg-Saron unleashes the corrupted Odyn upon the heroes while he returns to Azeroth with Malykriss and a legion of corrupted undead, intending to carry out his plans to capture the Worldsoul for himself. The heroes manage to banish Odyn into the depths of the Shadowlands and discover that Jaina has entombed herself in ice, still barely clinging to life. Jaina's tomb is returned to Doorward, while the heroes confer on their world's defense and await Yogg-Saron's next move.