User:Gnomish alchemist/ First mate Glubnock

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
MobFirst mate Glubnock
No image available
Title First mate Of The goldbag
Race Mutant Hobgoblin (Mutant Hobgoblin)
Level 87 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location The goldbag, Blackgold island:Harbor

First mate Glubnock is the third boss in Blackgold island: Harbor. When he dies, 5 Mariner swordsman and 5 mariner riflemen are summoned.


Ability paladin hammeroftherighteous.pngHeavy smash: First mate Glubnock in 10 seconds prepares a Heavy smash that deals 10000 damage within 4 yards. When he casts it the nearby adventurers have to run away.

Ability warrior bladestorm.pngWhirlwind:First mate glubnock whirlswind for 10 seconds, dealing a a great piece of dammage at nearby adventurers and knocks them back 5 yards. Afterwards, he gets stunned for 10 seconds.


When entering the harbor
  • Stop uglih goys, gaids!!!
Summoning Mariner riflemen and swordsmen to attack the players when killed first group in The harbor
  • Marihneys, go kil bad goys!!!!
  • Finnaleh sume treining!!
Casting heavy smash
  • Me..smash..yu!
Casting whirlwind
  • Now me hammah yuu!!

¨;Stunned after whirlwind

  • Me dizzy...
Killing all players
  • First mate Glubnock bursts into dance*