User:FuzzicalLogic/Navigate this!/Navigational structures

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This is a list of navigational structures worth exploring. Each will have its own template paradigms. The structures here are not mutually exclusive, nor are viable solutions limited to this list. Rather a great navigational structure will embody some traits of each.

Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each structure.
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Hub Navigation

This is a Top Down structure where a group of articles share Parent/Child. Unlike #Subpage Navigation in which the child knows the parent, in a hub structure the parent knows all of its children. Each child may be viewed as a spoke allowing for different navigation depending on the current location. This allows any article that wishes to use it to make one request and always have a consistent result.

There are two types of Hub navigation:

  • Static Hub where a single template is used as a comprehensive list.(widely implemented on wowpedia)
  • Tiered Hub where the Hub navigation dictates the number of "Tiers" down for its navigation, based on the User's location in relation to the Hub itself.
  • Deferred Hub where the Hub requests the navigational structure of the children.

Subpage Navigation

Subpage navigation is a navigational construct that allows for subpages to utilize the navigation of its parent objects. This means the articles involved share a Bottom Up Parent/Child/Sibling relationship.

There are two forms of subpage navigation:

  • Actual wiki subpages where the Parent is dictated by the Title Name
  • Logical subpages, such as the way Death knight talents relates to Death knight, where the Parent would be explicitly declared.

Depending on circumstance, one form is more beneficial than the other, but both should be explored and accounted for.

Web Navigation

In this structure, there isn't necessarily a hierarchical structure, but rather the navigation is managed in nodes that articles (and categories) can attach and detach as is necessary. Typically, webs can have multiple logical progressions, regardless of the storage mechanics. Of particular note here is the "context web" which allows for one to find the relevant information based on multiple pieces of the same type of criteria. Categories, as they are currently implemented, are one type of web. The active goal regarding this structure is not to create useful webs, but make the current webs more useful in a meaningful way.

Note: It may be possible to accomplish this without making any changes to content or templates, but rather with bots. A combination of solutions may also be appropriate.

Layered Navigation