User:Coobra/Violet dragonflight

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Violet dragonflight
Domain Shadow
Breath Fire, Shadow
Major leader(s) Undisclosed
Homeworld Realm of Shadows, Azeroth
Language(s) Draconic, Common, Orcish
Average height Varies by species and age

Member types

The violet dragonflight includes the violet dragons themselves as well as all other violet dragonkin such as dragonspawn and drakonids.

  • Violet wyrm
  • Violet dragon (mature)
  • Violet drake
  • Violet whelp
  • Violet dragonspawn
  • Violet drakonid


The dragons of the violet flight are a highly secretive group, usually remaining in the shadows watching events unfold. Similar to the green dragonflight, the violet flight too are often difficult to find in the mortal realm, preferring to live in the shadowy realm of the undead. This is often due to the realm being timeless, a creature living in this realm can ultimately be immortal.

The violet flight, being a lesser flight than the five primary ones, was not bless by a titan. It is because of this they have no true Aspect and simply follow the most powerful dragon of their flight, the leadership rarely changes since these dragons live practically immortal lives within the shadow realm. The current matriarch is as old as Alexstrasza herself.

The violet dragonflight is a peaceful, yet chaotic society made up of dragons as old as the aspects themselves. The flight watches over the shadow realm, maintaining its existence and reducing interference by mortals. However, most violet dragons spend their time in quiet contemplation and study the so called afterlife and the ghostly creatures within.

Violets are, like the other flights, highly intelligent and always striving to learn more about the underworld they protect, fretting out the mysteries of death - but keeping all such secrets hidden within the Shadow Realm. The violets are surprisingly quick to judge, often removing mortals from the realm without listening to reasons for which they might be there. Of course they rarely appear to mortals in their true forms, nor give them the chance to explain why they are in the realm before they're removed, sometimes violently, from the realm.

Most violets prefer the isolation and silence that the shadow realm provides, though some (mostly younger) dragons venture to the moral realm to live among their brethren or even among humanoid races of Azeroth. Very few of the living know of the violet's existence, even the five great dragonflights are unaware that the violet's still live among them, though rumors have spread of them as of late.

Male violet dragon's names may sometimes end with -is and females with -ia. Some violet dragon names are derived from subjects related to death. When taking humanoid form violet dragons most often choose troll or night elven forms.


After the Titans charged the five most powerful dragonflights with the task of watching over the world and then departing, the violet dragonflight slowly faded from the mortal realm. While some remained during the Age of Dragons, working together to safeguard their world, they too faded from that realm when trouble started to brew.

It's was during the War of the Ancients that any remaining violet dragon retreated to their private realm where they decided to let the powerful dragonflights deal with each other and the invading demon forces. It was not long after this that they would be forgotten and simply thought to have died off, like many of the other lesser known flights.

In World of Warcraft

This flight does not appear in the World of Warcraft, to anyone's knowledge. Though it was rumored a violet dragon had flown over Dalaran one time.

Known members
