User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Darnall Nightwind

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AllianceDarnall Deathwind
Image of Darnall Deathwind
Title <Champion of the Ebon Blade>
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Undead)
Level 90
Class Death knight, formerly Archdruid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Ebon Blade, Alliance, Darnassus
Former affiliation(s) Undead Scourge
Location Shrine of Seven Stars, Vale of Eternal Blossoms





Phase 1

  • Spell deathknight empowerruneblade.png Plague Strike (Heroic mode) — A vicious strike that deals 110% weapon damage and plagues the target with Blood Plague, dealing Shadow damage over time.
    • Spell deathknight bloodplague.png Blood Plague disease — Deals 358,453 to 445,355 Shadow damage every 2 seconds. Disease
  • Spell deathknight icetouch.png Icy Touch (Heroic mode) — Inflicts 463,464 to 575,546 Frost damage and causes Frost Fever.
    • Spell deathknight frostfever.png Frost Fever disease — A disease dealing to 452,050 to 535,643 Frost damage every 3 seconds and reducing the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 25% for 15 seconds. Disease
  • Spell deathknight classicon.png Obliterate (Heroic modedisease — A brutal instant attack that deals 170% weapon damage, total damage increased 30% per each of your diseases on the target.

Phase 2

  • Spell deathknight strangulate.png Death's Respite (Heroic mode) 50 yd range — Death's Respite stuns the target for 6 seconds, inflicts 748,288 to 898,712 Shadow damage and knocks the target back. Used on random target. 1.81 sec cast
  • Spell shadow animatedead.png Raise Dead — Raises a Ghoul to fight by your side. Raises either Arelas Brightstar or Jaeren Sunsworn, killed at the beginning of the fight
    • Ability creature disease 02.png Ghoul Explode — Darnall forces a Ghoul minion to explode! 5 sec channel

Phase 3

  • Spell deathknight armyofthedead.png Army of the Dead — Summons an entire legion of Ghouls to fight for Darnall. Used at the beginning of Phase 2. Summons a number of Risen Champions.
    • Ability creature disease 02.png Ghoul Explode 50 yd range — Darnall forces a Ghoul minion to explode! 0.903 sec cast
  • Spell shadow shadowfiend.png Desecration (Heroic mode) 50 yd range — Causes desecrated ground at a targets location. Targets in the area are slowed by 50% by the grasping arms of the dead while standing on the unholy ground. Lasts 2 sec. Inflicts 1,170 to 1,230 (Heroic: 1,950 to 2,050) Shadow damage every 2 seconds.

Phase 1

  • Spell shadow blackplague.png Death's Bite (Heroic mode) — Inflicts 1,950,674 to 2,050,644 Shadowfrost damage to all enemies and increases magic damage taken by 80% for 15 sec. Stacking
  • Ability hunter mastermarksman.png Marked For Death — Darnall has marked you for death, increasing magic damage taken by 200% for 10 seconds.