User:Alcatraz79241/Neptulon The Tide Hunter

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== Ny'alotha: The dreaming city - Neptulon The Tide Hunter> == Tactics - Boss information

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Image of Neptulon
Race Elemental
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Location Ny'alotha, Vashj'ir , Neptulon's Cell
Image of Ozumat
Race Kraken
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Location Ny'alotha, Vashj'ir , Neptulon's Cell
MobEssence of N'zoth
Image of Essence of N'zoth
Race Elemental
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Location Ny'alotha, Vashj'ir , Neptulon's Cell

Neptulon Can be considered the second to last boss of Ny'alotha


Neptulon was the strongest of the four elemental lord, leading his elemental forces to battle the titans. However ever since the titans won and imprisoned the Old Gods, he no longer serves their forces since he was put within the Abyssal Maw by the titans themselves and now rules the elemental domain of water. Ozmat patriarch of the kraken's and the fearsome Naga kidnapped the Elemental lord when he was weakened greatly at the battle within his throne for the control of the Abyssal maw. Now his will is being bent just like Ozumat to serve his former master once more.


  • Ability warlock eradication.png Berserk  —  Increases all damage done by 500% and becomes Immune to taunt in addition increases all movement speed by 300% | Activated if 6 mins have passed
  • Ability creature disease 03.png Create Essence of N'zoth  —  If N'zoth's blood is both spilled from both of Neptulon and Ozumat, Create the Essence of N'zoth

Neptulon's Abilities

  • Ability creature disease 04.png Bound by N'zoth  —  The blood of N'zoth courses through Neptulon, Forcing him to be enthralled by N'zoth attacking nearby targets. If the blood is spilled and creeps back into neptulon he is instantly healed 30% of his max health
  • Ability mage coldasice.png Frozen Spikes  —  Surrounds several targets with frozen spikes that impale the target for massive frost damage if they do not move in time.
  • Ability mage chilledtothebone.png Frost bath  —  Summons a tidal wave at nearby targets then inflicts frost damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, After the duration is finished the water freezes encasing those who are still inside the area of the water for 15 seconds.
  • Ability mage deepfreeze.png Water Lash  —  Forms a giant whip made out of water and strikes the ground, Drowning those who are struck by the whip inflicting massive frost damage every 1 second for 5 seconds
  • Spell deathknight icytalons.png Create Pure Water  —  Creates droplets of pure water, Anyone who touches the droplets of water will have their damage output increase and haste by 350% for 10 seconds.
  • Spell deathknight bloodboil.png Force Blood Regurgitate  —  The blood of N'zoth spills from Neptulon when he is at 15% that slowly creeps back within Neptulon Unless Ozumat's is taken down as well
  • Spell deathknight empowerruneblade2.png Pure Water Infusion  —  The power of Neptulon himself infused in your veins! Increasing damage done by 500% and haste by 400% in addition to healing taken by 300% | Given to players at Phase 2 when Fighting the Essence
  • Spell deathknight bloodplague.png Slowing Will  —  Resisting the will of N'zoth as long as the blood of N'zoth is no longer within the target

Ozumat Abilities

  • Ability creature disease 04.png Bound by N'zoth  —  The blood of N'zoth courses through Ozumat, Forcing him to be enthralled by N'zoth attacking nearby targets. If the blood is spilled and creeps back into neptulon he is instantly healed 30% of his max health
  • Spell shaman improvedfirenova.png Crushing Smash  —  Smashes targets with powerful tentacles, Inflicting massive damage
  • Spell shaman spiritwalkersgrace.png Gaze of the fiend  —  Paralyzes several targets for 5 seconds, After the duration is over they have an increased cast time by 300% for 10 seconds
  • Spell hunter cobrashot.png Spit Blightbeast  —  Throws several black beast like blobs that clash into targets inflicting massive shadow damage and explodes upon impact spreading it to other nearby targets
  • Spell fire twilighthellfire.png Corrupted Blight  —  Throws several pools of blight Inflicting shadow damage every second and increases shadow damage taken by 10% every 1 second to those who stand inside the puddle of darkness
  • Spell deathknight bloodboil.png Force Blood Regurgitate  —  The blood of N'zoth spills from Ozumat when he is at 15% that slowly creeps back within Ozumat Unless Neptulon is taken down as well
  • Spell deathknight bloodplague.png Slowing Will  —  Resisting the will of N'zoth as long as the blood of N'zoth is no longer within the target
  • Spell warlock demonsoul.png Kraken King's Embrace  —  Reduces damage taken by 25% and cuts all defensive CD's in half | Given to Players at Phase 2 when Fighting the Essence

Essence of N'zoth Abilities

  • Spell warlock harvestoflife.png Corrupting Splash —  Inflicts massive nature damage and deals double damage to targets directly close to each other
  • Spell shadow corpseexplode.png Eradication —  Inflicting 10% direct damage in health health every 3 second to all nearby targets within 20 seconds a random target will Instantly die after 40 seconds It will instantly kill 2 targets
  • Spell shadow callofbone.png Amplify Healing —  Corrupts the will of every healer within the raid that last for 3 seconds, Healing any target will instantly deal damage equal to the amount healed multiplied 3 times the damage for every hot on the target | Heroic Only
  • Spell shadow antimagicshell.png Acid Nova —  Places 4 targets within a random area for 10 seconds, Pacifying them and creating acid nova's within them dealing devastating nature damage within a 10 yard radius
  • Spell shadow deathsembrace.png Create Corrupted Pure Water  —  Creates droplets of N'zoth's version of the pure water, Anyone who touches the droplets of water will have their damage output decreased and haste by 350% for 30 seconds. | Heroic only
  • Spell shadow enslavedemon.png Crippling Aftermath —  Forces Ozumat and Neptulon out of the fight, Stunning them the entire encounter however the infusion of pure water still remains intact and Ozumat's Kraken Embrace is no longer active within Heroic | Heroic Only

Boss Tactics and Information

A brutal encounter that is designed to be pretty much a wall block due to the final phase within Heroic, The very first phase starts with Neptulon and Ozumat who are controlled by N'zoth. The raid must bring both targets down once Neptulon or Ozumat get to about 15% health; The blood of N'zoth spills out of them and seeps through the ground within the middle stunning whomever was the blood spilled stunning it temporary. The blood slowly creeps back into the one that was at 15% if the target gains the blood of N'zoth again it will heal for 30% of It's max health and forcing you to fight it again to avoid this and advance to phase 2. Both Neptulon and Ozumat must be directly both at 15% so both bloods spill into the ground. Once both adds blood have been spilled; Phase 2 advances in and the essence of N'zoth is formed in the middle - Phase 2 is a straight insane burn encounter, Both Neptulon and Ozumat help by buffing you greatly with

  • Spell warlock demonsoul.png Kraken King's Embrace  —  Reduces damage taken by 25% and cuts all defensive CD's in half | Given to Players at Phase 2 when Fighting the Essence
  • Spell deathknight empowerruneblade2.png Pure Water Infusion  —  The power of Neptulon himself infused in your veins! Increasing damage done by 500% and haste by 400% in addition to healing taken by 300% | Given to players at Phase 2 when Fighting the Essence

In addition to them using their normal abilities at the essence of N'zoth however keep in mind they can not help you in heroic mode and you only gain Neptulon's buff upon Heroic rather then Ozumat in addition both are cast out from the fight making only your raid fight the essence by themselves. Phase 2 is absolutely brutal; I designed it to pretty much make your eyes gouge out to the fact not only do you have a berserk timer to worry about but the ability in phase two that is most deadly would be

  • Spell shadow corpseexplode.png Eradication —  Inflicting 10% direct damage in health health every 3 second to all nearby targets within 20 seconds a random target will Instantly die after 40 seconds It will instantly kill 2 targets

Though the ability can not hit a tank, I did design it so it can kill healers as well. So burn the best you can and stay away from people.


  • You...are too late mortals the blood of N'zoth courses through my core, I can not... help myself please...end me
  • I have no choice!
Upon the death of a player
  • Forgive me!
  • I was too weak!
  • End it all!
Upon the death of a player Essence of N'zoth
  • Only Mortal!
  • Suffer for your arrogance!
  • Awaken into the nightmare!
  • I can claim my sea once more children, It is up to you to slay the old god within the very heart of the city. Speak to me and I'll transfer you to his lair where he lays waiting.
Phase 2
  • The beast and I are no longer in his control hero's We shall fight with you be blessed by my waters!
Create Pure Water
  • Bless yourselves with pure water... Hero!
Create Essence of N'zoth
  • Ulugu wafurish ry'la rishhhh!
  • You will all drown in blood!
  • The cloak ticks...ticking and ticking
Crippling Aftermath
  • You two are no longer useful be gone!
Create Corrupted Pure Water
  • Do not touch the waters hero!
  • Too late...
Essence of N'zoth Berserk
  • Face the end of days children of the flesh


  • Ny'alotha The Dreaming City - Kill Neptulon in Heroic Mode or Normal mode
  • Beauty and the beast - Make both Neptulon and Ozumat spill the blood of N'zoth at the same to create the essence of N'zoth then slay the Essence