User:Alcatraz79241/General Val'jex

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== Ny'alotha: The dreaming city - General Val'jex < Commander of the Old > == Tactics - Boss information

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MobGeneral Val'jex
Image of General Val'jex
Race Faceless one
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Location Ny'alotha, Vashj'ir , Outer Gates

General Val'jex Is the first boss of this raid instance


N'zoth's prime commander of the faceless ones upon the outer gates of the city, This faceless General is eager to guard his masters inner sanctum and destroy all those who trespass the sleeping city.


  • Ability warlock eradication.png Berserk  —  Increases all damage done by 500% and becomes Immune to taunt in addition increases all movement speed by 300% | Activated if 5 mins have passed

Dark Phase Abilities - Be consumed in darkness!

  • Inv misc orb 03.png Haunting Eye  —  For every time you cast or use a special ability you have an increase usage of your resources by 50% for 30 seconds. | Magic dispel
  • Ability creature disease 05.png Salvation's End  —  Focuses a tormenting beam of dark energy that chains to all nearby targets inflicting 10% base health every 3 seconds lasting for 12 seconds in addition decreases shadow damage taken by 300%.
  • Inv fabric felrag.png Salvation's Slaughter  —  Angry souls are summoned upon an area focusing their hatred upon nearby targets inflicting 73,151 to 88,151 shadow damage every 1 second for 12 seconds.
  • Inv fabric ebonweave.png Doomed World  —  Increase shadow damage taken by 50% and will continue to stack for every Salvation's End phase
  • Inv misc bone orcskull 01.png Salvation's Remorse  —  Can only chain Salvation's End to one target if two targets are chained then this will break the spell of each target and can not gain Salvation's end for 30 seconds | This ability is only active in Heroic mode
  • Inv misc organ 04.png Aberration's Strike  —  A brutal attack that inflicts 120,915 to 125,156 shadow damage to the target and puts a reflective barrier upon itself that reflects all spells back to nearby targets for 5 seconds for 150% of there damage

Light Phase Abilities - The light contradicts even you!

  • Ability cheapshot.png Fragile Eye  —  For every time you take more then 20% more of your health, you are directly inflicted 66,151 to 87,161 holy damage. Last for 45 seconds. | Magic Dispel
  • Inv misc token argentdawn3.png Illumination's Reaper  —  Focuses a torrent of energy upon all nearby targets destroying mana by 10% every 1 for 12 seconds in addition decreases holy damage taken by 300%
  • Ability paladin sacredcleansing.png Illumination's Verdict  —  Holy energy is summoned upon an area shooting spears of light upon all nearby targets inflicting 73,151 to 88,151 holy damage every 1 seconds for 12 seconds.
  • Ability paladin beaconoflight.png Illumination's Law  —  Restores mana by 45% but reduces max mana pool by 15% and increases damage taken to holy damage by 50% and will continue to stack.
  • Ability racial flayer.png Illumination's Failure  —  Reduces total stats by 10% for every successful Illumination's Law stacking.| This ability is only active in Heroic mode
  • Ability racial aberration.png Unholy Redemption  —  A brutal attack that inflicts 120,915 to 125,156 holy damage damage to target and puts a healing barrier that will heal Val'jex for 0.3% of his health for everytime he is attacked for the next 5 seconds.

Phase 3 Abilities - In the name of N'zoth!

  • Ability warlock eradication.png Infuriate  —  Increases base damage and increases damage taken
  • Ability warlock shadowflame.png Suffering End  —  All abilities upon Phase 1 and 2 are now a combined effect

Heroic Changes

  • Fragile Eye now also deals the damage to nearby allies
  • Doomed World and Illumination's Law now increases damage taken to their certain element by 100% every stack
  • Illumination's Failure has been added
  • Salvation's Remorse has been added
  • Unholy Redemption also redirects all healing to himself at that current time
  • Aberration's Strike now also silences the targets that reflect there spells back within themselves for 10 seconds

Boss Tactics and Information

General Val'jex is a complete endurance based encounter with a tight DPS check upon hitting a 5 min Berserk. Within the very start of the encounter he will either choose Light phase or Dark phase. Every 45 seconds The phase will constantly change and swap to the opposite phase. Once hitting 30% Val'jex combines both the Dark phase and the Light phase making all of his abilities do additional effects to it. An example If he cast

  • Ability racial aberration.png Unholy Redemption  —  A brutal attack that inflicts 120,915 to 125,156 holy damage damage to target and puts a healing barrier that will heal Val'jex for 0.3% of his health for everytime he is attacked for the next 5 seconds.

He will also cast

  • Inv misc organ 04.png Aberration's Strike  —  A brutal attack that inflicts 120,915 to 125,156 shadow damage to the target and puts a reflective barrier upon itself that reflects all spells back to nearby targets for 5 seconds for 150% of there damage

And any other spells of each counterpart making the healing even more Intense. So in other words; Phase 3 is a complete burn the boss before you are overwhelmed.

- Quick notes

  • Haunting Eye can be dispelled
  • Fragile Eye can not be dispelled
  • Both abilities are cast at the same time
  • Ability creature disease 05.png Salvation's End  —  Focuses a tormenting beam of dark energy that chains to all nearby targets inflicting 10% base health every 3 seconds lasting for 12 seconds in addition decreases shadow damage taken by 300%.
  • Inv fabric felrag.png Salvation's Slaughter  —  Angry souls are summoned upon an area focusing their hatred upon nearby targets inflicting 73,151 to 88,151 shadow damage every 1 second for 12 seconds.
  • Inv misc token argentdawn3.png Illumination's Reaper  —  Focuses a torrent of energy upon all nearby targets destroying mana by 10% every 1 for 12 seconds in addition decreases holy damage taken by 300%
  • Ability paladin sacredcleansing.png Illumination's Verdict  —  Holy energy is summoned upon an area shooting spears of light upon all nearby targets inflicting 73,151 to 88,151 holy damage every 1 seconds for 12 seconds.


  • Ufulgarish Wrrrry...N'zoth wafulac.
  • You will be fitting tools for N'zoth... mortal flesh
  • Be drowned into the depths!
Upon the death of a player
  • Gaze into the darkness!
  • Death is only the beginning
  • Glory to N'zoth!
  • Uluguwafurish wraaa nalarishhhh!
  • Others will take my place we are endless in numbers!
  • Wafurlugu warushhhish!
  • Try again in the afterlife, Now die!
Dark Phase
  • N'zoths Uluguwafrush!.
  • N'zoth's Blood courses through my veins!
Light Phase
  • Crathulu Wafuralyish!?
  • The light contradicts even the likes of you!
Phase 3
  • Wrrry Uluguwafu...
  • Your suffering is my energy...


  • Ny'alotha The Dreaming City - Kill General Val'jax in Heroic Mode or Normal mode
  • Fidy 50 - Only do one light phase and one dark phase before Val'jex does Suffering End
