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Urgev the Flayer

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MobUrgev the Flayer
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Title <Champion of the Runeaxes>
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tideskorn, Bonespeakers
Occupation Champion
Location Akstad, Stormheim
Status Killable

Urgev the Flayer is a vrykul located in Akstad in Stormheim.


  • Amplified
  • Cascading Slam
  • Champion of the Runeaxe
  • Charge
  • Earthen Strikes
  • Echo
  • Enhanced
  • Eruption
  • Imbued
  • Ravaging Whirl
  • Resolute Armor
  • Vulnerable Armor
  • Whirlwind


Objective of

Patch changes

External links