Twilight Recruiter Maruk

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Not to be confused with Maruk the Volcano or Ma'ruk Wyrmscale.
MobTwilight Recruiter Maruk
Image of Twilight Recruiter Maruk
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer, Grimtotem tribe
Occupation Recruiter
Location Mount Hyjal[73.6, 60.6]
Status Alive

Twilight Recruiter Maruk is a tauren of the Twilight's Hammer located on Mount Hyjal. He is watching over Twilight Recruits who were inspired to join the cult after Ragnaros' emergence, and becomes friendly to spying adventurers after N [30-35] Your New Identity.

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