Twilight Falls

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For the Classic version, see A [25D] Twilight Falls.
AllianceTwilight Falls
Start Sentinel Aluwyn
End Sentinel Aluwyn
Level 28 (Requires 20)
Type Dungeon
Category Blackfathom Deeps
Experience 1700
Reputation +500 Darnassus
Rewards  [Blackfathom Mace] or  [Gift of the Enigmatic Tree] or  [Aluwyn's Legguards]
 [Nimbus Boots] and  [Heartwood Girdle]


Obtain 3 Twilight Pendants.


Empowered by the ancient rites of the chaotic Old Gods, the members of the Twilight's Hammer strive to bring about the return of their dark patrons and spread death and terror across the world.

We believe that the Twilight's Hammer has allied with the naga and are amassing here.

Whatever evil plan brews in the depths of the old temple must be thwarted.

Wage war on the Hammer and bring back proof of your deeds. Your efforts will be rewarded handsomely.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv wand 10.png [Blackfathom Mace] Inv staff goldfeathered 01.png [Gift of the Enigmatic Tree]
Inv pants leather 21.png [Aluwyn's Legguards]
You will also receive: 93s
Inv boots 05.png [Nimbus Boots] Inv belt 04.png [Heartwood Girdle]

You will also receive:


Blackfathom Deeps was once an ancient night elf temple. It once housed a most powerful moonwell. Who knows what evil brews there now at the hands of the Twilight's Hammer.

Have you made any progress in ridding the temple of their presence?


You are no doubt of brave and noble blood, <name>. We and all of the people of Ashenvale commend you for your efforts against evil.

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