Truth of the Dark Irons

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NeutralTruth of the Dark Irons
Start Moira Thaurissan [63.0, 49.6]
End Moira Thaurissan [63.0, 49.6]
Level 10-80
Category Blackrock Depths
Rewards 5x [Bronze Celebration Token]
Shareable Yes


Defeat Emperor Dagran Thaurissan in the Return to Blackrock Depths raid.


Few know the truth of the Dark Iron clan. Even fewer have seen it for themselves.

The Timewalkers have agreed to take us back. They will send us to the time when our clan lost its emperor. And in doing so, I hope I can show you everything that came from that defeat. The good. The bad...

Will you see the truth for yourself?


You will receive:


I will guide you along your path. Though the end of it... I don't know if I can bear to witness that again, champion.


The Dark Iron clan was lost to Ragnaros. I dreamed of freeing them from his thrall. If only I could have done so before my husband was...

Here. Take these tokens from our hosts. And thank you for seeing the truth with your own eyes.


After turning in the quest, Moira Thaurissan will say the following:

Moira Thaurissan says: I won't defend the things the Dark Irons did. What I did. The blood on our hands.
Moira Thaurissan says: I was blinded by my hatred for my father. Blinded by my pride. I wanted more.
Moira Thaurissan says: At first, the Dark Irons were just tools for my own ambition. And then I was blinded by love.
Moira Thaurissan says: But Dagran would have sooner burned this clan to the ground than accept peace.
Moira Thaurissan says: In utter defeat, we were freed by our enemies and found our place within the Alliance. As equals.
Moira Thaurissan says: The Dark Irons, the Bronzebeards, and the Wildhammers. One people, once more.
Moira Thaurissan says: And my wee Dagran. My son. A symbol of our unity and the legacy my husband never got tae see.
Moira Thaurissan says: Dagran Thaurissan II. Named after his father. I didn't want folks forgetting where he came from. The bad, the good. Everything.
Moira Thaurissan says: I just wish Dagran was here tae see it. The Dark Irons free. The leader our son is becoming. I'm sure he would be proud.

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