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WoW's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section is exclusively part of WoW's 20th Anniversary. Once the event has run its course, it will no longer be available.
Image of Traeya
Title <Armor Vendor>
Gender Female
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 10-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Timewalkers
Location Caverns of Time, Tanaris
Status Alive

Traeya is a tauren located outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.


The following HD appearances of the Tier 2 sets initially cost 60 tokens. Buying one of them reduces the cost to 40 tokens with  [Upgraded Dresser], and buying a second reduces the cost to 20 tokens with  [Classy Dresser]:

Class Item Cost
Traeya <Armor Vendor>
Hunter  [Ensemble: Dragonstalker's Eternal Armor] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Evoker  [Ensemble: Earth-Warder's Eternal Armor] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Monk  [Ensemble: Eternal Battlegear of the August Acolyte] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Warrior  [Ensemble: Eternal Battlegear of Wrath] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Rogue  [Ensemble: Eternal Bloodfang Armor] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Paladin  [Ensemble: Eternal Judgment Armor] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Warlock  [Ensemble: Eternal Nemesis Raiment] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Mage  [Ensemble: Eternal Netherwind Regalia] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Druid  [Ensemble: Eternal Stormrage Armor] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Shaman  [Ensemble: Eternal Ten Storms] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Priest  [Ensemble: Eternal Vestments of Transcendence] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Demon Hunter  [Ensemble: Netherwalker's Eternal Armor] 60 Bronze Celebration Token
Death Knight  [Ensemble: Pale Rider's Eternal Armor] 60 Bronze Celebration Token

Objective of



Welcome adventurer. Have we got a treat for you! Our smiths have been hard at work and have reforged some iconic armor from the past.

Buy I'd like to browse your goods.

Patch changes

External links