Toxic Horror

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MobToxic Horror
Image of Toxic Horror
Race Water elemental (Elemental)
Level 53 - 54
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Irontree Woods, Felwood

The Toxic Horrors are water elementals affected by the corruption of Felwood by the invasion of Mount Hyjal by the Burning Legion. The Deadwood furbolgs are gathering their toxin in order to fight other tribes of Furbolg in the area.[1] Toxic Horrors are immune to Frost damage.


  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Deadly Poison — Inflicts 2 Nature damage to nearby enemies every 10 sec. for 2 min.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Localized Toxin — Inflicts 1 Nature damage to an enemy every 5 sec. for 1 min.


Toxic Horrors drop the following notable loot:
Inv misc gem variety 02.png [Core of Elements] Spell nature acid 01.png [Essence of Water]
Inv misc orb 01.png [Globe of Water] Inv potion 17.png [Enchanted Water]
Inv enchant shardradientsmall.png [Corrupted Soul Shard]

Objective of

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [15-30] Winterfall Runners

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