Totemic Fury

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Totemic Fury
Ability shaman totemrelocation.png
  • Totemic Fury
  • Level 100 Elemental shaman talent
  • 40 yd range
  • 3 min cooldown
  • Instant
  • Summon three totems to your side for 30 secs that provide the following benefits:

    Spell nature earthbindtotem.png Earth Totem
    Attacks your target, and increases the damage dealt by Earth Shock by 50%.

    Spell fire totemofwrath.png Fire Totem
    Attacks your target, and increases damage done by Lava Burst by 50%.

    Spell nature brilliance.png Lightning Totem
    Attacks your target, and reduces the cast time of Lightning Bolt by 50%.
Class Shaman
School Nature
Cooldown 3 minutes
Other information
Level available 100

Totemic Fury is a level 100 Elemental shaman talent.

Patch changes

External links