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Torm the Brute

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MobTorm the Brute
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Gender Male
Race Ettin (Giant)
Level 112 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nighthold
Status Killable

Torm the Brute is an ettin located in the Nighthold.


  • Boulder Strike - Throws a massive boulder, inflicting 90% of maximum health to the target and all nearby enemies.
  • Devastating Strike - Swings a club with great force, inflicting 16200000 Physical damage split between all enemies in front of the caster and knocking them back.
  • Rumbling Blow - Slams the ground in front of the caster, inflicting 1800000 Physical damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them back.

Objective of

  • The Nighthold: Ettin Your Foot In The Door

Patch changes

External links