Kor'dok and Tinzo the Emberkeeper

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MobKor'dok and Tinzo the Emberkeeper
Image of Kor'dok and Tinzo the Emberkeeper
Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 32-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Court of Bones, Isle of Thunder[30.7, 58.6]
Status Killable

Kor'dok and Tinzo the Emberkeeper are mogu located on the Isle of Thunder.



  • Furious Charge 100 yd range — Charges a random enemy target, snaring all enemies around the target location. After the charge, he winds up a massive shield bash that will severely injure and knock down anyone struck by it. Instant. Enemies affected by the charge are debuffed with...
    • Furious Charge — Movement speed reduced by 35%. 5 sec debuff.
  • Shield Slam — Charges a random enemy target, snaring all enemies around the target location. After the charge, he winds up a massive shield bash that will severely injure and knock down anyone struck by it. 2 sec cast. Cast after the Furious Charge. 7 yard radius. Hits for 139-161K Physical. Will also stun for 3 sec. Announced with:
    Kor'dok winds up a powerful shield slam
  • Battle Rage 100 yd range — Failing to defeat his opponents has unleashed the full anger of Kor'dok, disabling all of his opponents temporarily while he resurrects an ally to fight alongside him. Instant. (60 sec cooldown)
    Kor'dok resurrects a fallen ally to aid him in battle!

Tinzo the Emberkeeper

  • Fire Burst 40 yd range — Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes 21,465 to 26,235 Fire damage. 0.92 sec cast. Hits for Shadowflame damage.
  • Flame Barrage 40 yd range — Shoot a blast of fire at nearby enemies every 1 sec for 5 sec. Also grants immunity to silence and interrupt mechanics. Channeled. Triggers...
    • Flame Barrage 40 yd range — Shoot a blast of fire at nearby enemies every 1 sec for 5 sec. Also grants immunity to silence and interrupt mechaincs. Instant. Hits for ~15K Shadowflame.
  • Disrupt 150 yd range — The mogu has disrupted your essence and is redirecting all healing taken by its enemies to itself in an effort to return to the living world. Instant. Announced with a bossemote:
    Tinzo the Emberkeeper is stealing all of your heals!
  • Power Surge — Upon reaching 90% health, the mogu regains its power and starts dealing 500% more damage and casting 100% faster. Instant. Announced with a bossemote:
    Tinzo the Emberkeeper is nearing full health!


Kor'dok is summoned at the Spirit Ritual Stone on a small isle west of the Hall of the Defamed in the Court of Bones.

He will frequently cast his charge (get out of the marked area of effect) and shield slam, but is not otherwise all that special.

At roughly 50% of total health remaining, Kor'dok will summon Tinzo the Emberkeeper. Tinzo is spawned with roughly half of his 8 million health, but is constantly casting Fire Burst and Flame Barrage. Put some light DPS on Kor'dok (he cannot be killed) and dispel the Disrupt magic debuff he casts to keep him from gaining health. If Tinzo reaches 90% health, he will gain Power Surge and quickly wipe the group.

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Kor'dok Tinzo