The Frost Wyrm and its Master (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Frost Wyrm and its Master
Start Mage-Lieutenant Malister
End Mage-Lieutenant Malister
Level 10-30
Type Group (2)
Category Howling Fjord
Experience 25400 (or 6g 9s at level 80)
Reputation +350 Valiance Expedition
Rewards  [Earthwell Footwraps] or  [Magispike Helm] or  [Silversteel Gauntlets] or  [Lost Vrykul Signet]
Previous A [10-30] Gjalerbron Attack Plans
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-30G2] The Frost Wyrm and its Master.


Slay Wyrmcaller Vile and use the  [Wyrmcaller's Horn] to call down and slay Glacion. Then, return with the horn to Mage-Lieutenant Malister at Westguard Keep.

Suggested Players [2]


You were right to bring this to me, <name>. You must take help back north with you to Gjalerbron and slay that wyrm and its master, Wyrmcaller Vile!

Even now, as we speak here, the frost wyrm may be on its way.

However, if I'm reading these plans correctly, blowing the wyrmcaller's horn on his platform, outside in the rear left area of Gjalerbron, will call Glacion back. When the creature lands, destroy it!

And <name>, please bring me the horn. We wouldn't want it falling back into the wrong hands.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv boots cloth 06.png [Earthwell Footwraps] Inv helmet 121.png [Magispike Helm]
Inv gauntlets 28.png [Silversteel Gauntlets] Inv jewelry ring 19.png [Lost Vrykul Signet]

You will also receive: 10g


Is the attack averted? Are the frost wyrm and its master destroyed?

Did you retrieve the horn?


Wow, that horn is cold!

Once again you've saved Westguard Keep from certain doom. What a curious <man/woman> you are, <name>. If only there were more of you.

Well, this certainly calls for a reward. Which do you prefer?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Aggro Wyrmcaller Vile and kill him to loot the horn. Heal up. Use the horn to call down Glacion.


  1. A [10-30] Gjalerbron Attack Plans
  2. A [10-30G2] The Frost Wyrm and its Master

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