The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror!

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NeutralThe Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror!
Start Gurgthock [50.7, 58.3]
End Automatic
Level 30-35
Type Group (5)
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 138800
Rewards  [Gurgthock's Garish Gorebat] or  [Laquered Lung-Leak Longknife] or  [Calder's Coated Carrion Carver] or  [Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator] or  [Very Manly Staff] or  [Big Bendy Blasting Bow] and
 [Round Three. Fight!]
37g 60s
Previous N [30-35G5] The Crucible of Carnage: The Earl of Evisceration!


Emberscar the Devourer
All bets are off. If Emberscar is not stopped in the pit, the arena shall surely be consumed in the flames of his furor.

Get in the arena at the Crucible of Carnage and defeat Emberscar the Devourer!

Suggested Players [5]


We've got someone you'll really love to hate this time around. I wasn't sure at first if I should let him into the pit, but a fight's a fight! And who am I to turn down some guaranteed cash?!

This guy hails from the Twilight Citadel itself, and comes toting a toasty punch. Better move fast and watch your back! Just give me the word when you're ready for some action.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv mace 1h cataclysm c 05.png [Gurgthock's Garish Gorebat] Inv knife 1h cataclysm c 04.png [Laquered Lung-Leak Longknife]
Inv axe 1h cataclysm c 01.png [Calder's Coated Carrion Carver] Inv sword 2h cataclysm c 01.png [Oversized Oblique Ogre Obliterator]
Inv stave 2h cataclysm c 03.png [Very Manly Staff] Inv bow 1h cataclysm c 01.png [Big Bendy Blasting Bow]

You will also receive: 37g 60s and  Round Three. Fight!


Trollin' blues.

Looks like the title is yours! You really pulled that one out of the fire.

Congratulations. I hope the coin serves you well.


Round five, Emberscar the Devourer! An elite twilight ascendant with the following abilities:

  • Stuff


Gurgthock says: The grand Crucible of Carnage awaits, <name>. Remember, once a battle starts you have to stay in the arena. WIN OR DIE!
Gurgthock yells: The Twilight's Hammer: happy to serve local nefarious schemes anytime, anyhwere. And today is no exception! Our final combatant hails from the not so distant Bastion of Twilight! Or is it the Twilight Bastion... bah, who acres!
Gurgthock yells: You all love to hate him, and he's glad to shower his hate right back down on ya. LETS... GET... BLOODY!!!
Emberscar the Devourer yells: This land shall be purged in the Twilight's Flame!

Lava attack

Emberscar the Devourer yells: Burn in the liquid heat of the Firelands!

At 10%:

Emberscar the Devourer yells: Even the skies burn with my fury!


Gurgthock yells: I DON'T BELIEVE IT! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION OF CARNAGE!!! Our big, bad beefly challenger has been defeated by a ragtag crew of nobodies! Incredible finish!


  1. N [30-35G5] The Crucible of Carnage: The Bloodeye Bruiser!
  2. A [30-35G5] The Crucible of Carnage: The Deadly Dragonmaw! / H [30-35G5] The Crucible of Carnage: The Wayward Wildhammer!
  3. N [30-35G5] The Crucible of Carnage: Calder's Creation!
  4. N [30-35G5] The Crucible of Carnage: The Earl of Evisceration!
  5. N [30-35G5] The Crucible of Carnage: The Twilight Terror!

Patch changes

External links