The Anvil

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For the djaradin, see The Anvil (djaradin). For the object used in crafting, see Anvil.
MobThe Anvil
Image of The Anvil
Title <Furyhammer's Guardian>
Race Iron golem (Elemental)
Level 15-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dun Argol, Grizzly Hills
Status Killable

The Anvil is an Iron golem which is the bodyguard of Iron Thane Furyhammer. The Anvil will shield Furyhammer from all damage until the player's golem uses its EMP ability. This will stun it, and allow damage to be done to Furyhammer for a short period of time.

The Anvil has one ability, Molten Blast: Unleashes a wave of flame, inflicting Fire damage to nearby enemies and reducing their movement speed for 6 sec.


  • Spell holy excorcism 02.png Molten Blast — Unleashes a wave of flame, inflicting Fire damage to nearby enemies and reducing their movement speed for 6 sec.

As a quest objective

This mob is an indirect objective of H [15-30] Bringing Down the Iron Thane and A [15-30] The Iron Thane and His Anvil.

Patch changes

External links