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Image of Teth
Title <Caravan Coordinator>
Race Nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Rak-Ahat, Azj-Kahet

Teth is a nerubian located in Rak-Ahat in Azj-Kahet.



Main article: The Upstart#Notes
Main article: Azj-Kahet's Next Top Dyemaster#Notes
Main article: That's All#Notes

Lines outside of Rak-Ahat:

  • Ah. More warsilk for the front... it never seems to end.
  • I don't want to know what the Transformatory needs all this for.
  • More of a sad collection of discount furniture.
  • Oh, this one? Let me just... tuck something extra in there.
  • Only the finest silk for the High Hollows, of course.
  • Rak-Ush ordered this? I suppose they know what they're doing.
  • This must be for exporting. At least their permits are in order this time.

Outside of Rak-Ahat:

It takes a lot of coordination to get everything loaded onto these caravans and headed to the right destination. If a shipment of silk went to the wrong person... that could be disastrous.

Patch changes

External links