Terror of Nagrand

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AllianceTerror of Nagrand
Start Fallen Alliance Soldier
End Captain "Victorious" Chong
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 18,840 experience
Rewards 30g 80s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Terror of Nagrand.


Collect Shagor's Collar from Shagor.


<The body of a fallen soldier lies here. Blood and gore trail back from the corpse to the entrance of the cave just to the north.>

<Judging by the howls and the carnage surrounding the den, something truly terrifying must be in there.>


Commander. How may I help you?


That's the beast's collar? I heard its howls all the way over here!


You will also receive: 30g 80s


Patch changes

External links