Template:Digsite Note/doc

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Creates a map note for use with the {{Digsite Map}} template.


{{Digsite Note|<X-coordinate>|<Y-coordinate>|<Number>|<Hover text>}}

X-coordinate, Y-coordinate
The coordinates of the map note. Any number of decimal places can be used: 52, 52.3, 52.2995843, etc. These coordinates conform to the in-game coordinates, with X=0.0 at the left, X=100.0 at the right, Y=0.0 at the top and Y=100.0 at the bottom.
The number icon to use, from 1 to 9.
Hover text
The text to display when hovering with the mouse pointer over the note icon.


{{Digsite Map|zone=Felwood|digsites=
{{Digsite Note|49|32|1|Ironwood Digsite}}
{{Digsite Note|37|58|Site|Jaedenar Digsite}}
{{Digsite Note|38|67|3|Constellas Digsite}}
{{Digsite Note|56|84|4|Morlos'Aran Digsite}}


Ironwood Digsite @ 49,32
Jaedenar Digsite @ 37,58
Constellas Digsite @ 38,67
Morlos'Aran Digsite @ 56,84



  • Iconsmall poi112.png One
  • Iconsmall poi113.png Two
  • Iconsmall poi114.png Three
  • Iconsmall poi115.png Four
  • Iconsmall poi116.png Five
  • Iconsmall poi117.png Six
  • Iconsmall poi118.png Seven
  • Iconsmall poi119.png Eight
  • Iconsmall poi120.png Nine
  • Iconsmall poi177.png Digsite