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Use {{AuraType}}, {{AuraType|buff}} or {{AuraType|debuff}} in the return-values section of UnitAura, UnitBuff or UnitDebuff respectively. Includes a link to Aura (API Type) when applicable.

1. name
string - The localized name of the aura, otherwise nil if there is no aura for the index.
2. icon
number : FileID - The icon texture.
3. count
number - The amount of stacks, otherwise 0.
4. dispelType
string? - The locale-independent magic type of the aura: Curse, Disease, Magic, Poison, otherwise nil.
5. duration
number - The full duration of the aura in seconds.
6. expirationTime
number - Time the aura expires compared to GetTime(), e.g. to get the remaining duration: expirationtime - GetTime()
7. source
string : UnitId - The unit that applied the aura.
8. isStealable
boolean - True if the aura may be stolen.
9. nameplateShowPersonal
boolean - True if this aura should only be shown on nameplates if it was applied by you, i.e. the caster unit id is player, pet or vehicle.
10. spellId
number - The spell ID for e.g. GetSpellInfo()
11. canApplyAura
boolean - True if the player can apply the aura.
12. isBossDebuff
boolean - True if the aura was cast by a boss.
13. castByPlayer
boolean - True if the aura was applied by a player.
14. nameplateShowAll
boolean - True if this aura should always be shown irrespective of any usual filtering logic.
15. timeMod
number - The scaling factor used for displaying time left.
16. shouldConsolidate (WoW Icon update.pngWrath-Logo-Small.png)
boolean - Whether to consolidate auras, only exists in Classic Era/Wrath.
Variable returns - Some auras return additional values that typically correspond to something shown in the tooltip, such as the remaining strength of an absorption effect.