Taming their Beasts

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AllianceTaming their Beasts
Start Master Mathias Shaw
End Master Mathias Shaw
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 1,800
Rewards  [Glowing Azerite Crystal] (250x [Azerite])
2g 34s
Previous A [60] Zul'jan Deluge
Next A [60] Taking the Blood Gate


Use the Re-Discombobulator to control 3 battle beasts.


Our goal is to assault the Blood Gate, but to be blunt, we don't have the force necessary for this.

That's why we have gnomish technology. The Zandalari have battle beasts, direhorns mounted with powerful weapons.

Several of these beasts are resting within the Fallen Outpost. This device, the Re-Discombobulator, will give us control over these animals.

Take this device and use it on these battle beasts. We'll assault the Blood Gates once we have them under our control.


You will receive:


Good work, these beasts will be imperative to take the Blood Gate.


Master Mathias Shaw says: I'll sneak ahead while you tame those beasts. Good luck.
He stealths and sneaks off east.

After using the quest item on the NPCs, they turn into Controlled Battlebeasts.


  1. A [60] The Fall of Zuldazar
  2. A [60] The March to Nazmir
  3. A [60] Repurposing Their Village & A [60] Dark Iron Machinations
  4. A [60] Fog of War
  5. A [60] Lurking in the Swamp
  6. A [60] Zul'jan Deluge
  7. A [60] Showing Our Might & A [60] Taming their Beasts & A [60] The Mech of Death
  8. A [60] Taking the Blood Gate
  9. A [60] He Who Walks in the Light

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