Tainted Parchment

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Tainted Parchment is provided by Gornek for H IconSmall Orc Male.gifIconSmall Orc Female.gif Warlock [3] Tainted Parchment in the Valley of Trials in Durotar.


Tainted Parchment

I write this message in the most powerful inks I can create, <name> It would instantly curse anyone who would dare read it besides yourself. I am that powerful. I summon demons from the Twisting Nether at my leisure. I plague my enemies in their sleep and in the field of battle. And now you too have seen the power of my path. My brothers are pleased by that.

Seek me out in the depths of the Den once you've found your way around. I would speak to you about important matters.

-Nartok, Warlock Trainer

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