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Image of Ta'elfar
Title <Trader of Histories>
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Ta
Location Enclave, Oribos
Status Alive

Ta'elfar is a broker located in the Enclave in Oribos. He allows queuing for Shadowlands raids.


I deal in stories. Which would you like to hear?
Gossip Tell me the one about the Leeching Vaults.
Gossip Tell me the one about the Reliquary of Opulence.
Gossip Tell me the one about Blood from Stone.
Gossip Tell me the one about an Audience with Arrogance.
Gossip Tell me the one about the Jailer's Vanguard.
Gossip Tell me the one about the Dark Bastille.
Gossip Tell me the one about the Shackles of Fate.
Gossip Tell me the one about the Reckoning.
Gossip Tell me the one about the Cornerstone of Creation.
Gossip Tell me the one about the Ephemeral Plains.
Gossip Tell me the one about Domination's Grasp.
Gossip Tell me the one about The Grand Design.

Patch changes

See also

External links