Swagsnout Gromit

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MobSwagsnout Gromit
Image of Swagsnout Gromit
Race Gromit (Beast)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Korthia
Status Killable

Swagsnout Gromits are gromits located in the unnamed valley between the Scholar's Den and Seeker's Quorum in southeastern Korthia.

Players can also purchase a  [Trained Gromit Carrier] from Archivist Roh-Suir to summon a swagsnout gromit of their own for an hour. See the gromit carrier article for more information.


  • Ability demonhunter doublejump.png Hop — Leaps near the target.

Notes and trivia

  • In development, these units were called Flashy Hoppers, then later Crested Gromits.

Patch changes

External links