Stygian Bounty Deckhand

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HordeStygian Bounty Deckhand
Image of Stygian Bounty Deckhand
Gender Male
Race(s) Orc, Goblin, Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stygian Bounty, Shimmering Expanse
Status Alive

Stygian Bounty Deckhands are located on Stygian Bounty above the Shimmering Expanse.


  • Spell nature bloodlust.png Bloodthirst — Instantly attack the target causing (Attack power * 0.874479 / 100) damage. In addition, the next 0 successful melee attacks will restore 1.5% of max health. This effect lasts until canceled. Damage is based on your attack power.
  • Ability rogue sprint.png Intercept — Charge an enemy, causing 0 damage and stunning it for until canceled.

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