Stormpeak Wyrm

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MobStormpeak Wyrm
Image of Stormpeak Wyrm
Race Proto-dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Foot Steppes, Storm Peaks
Status Killable

Stormpeak Wyrms are proto-dragons found on the Foot Steppes in the Storm Peaks. The iron dwarves captured Veranus, the brood mother of the proto-drakes. The drakes have now gotten very aggressive. They have pushed into stormcrest territory and the eagles have taken to an all-out fight with them.

They can be seen at times grabbing rhinos and flying off with them.


  • Spell frost chillingblast.png Frost Spit — Inflicts 3 Frost damage every 1 sec.

Objective of

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