Stormguard Gorren

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BossStormguard Gorren
Image of Stormguard Gorren
Gender Male
Race Skardyn (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Stormriders
Location Rookery
Status Killable
Companion(s) Kyrioss

Stormguard Gorren is a boss in the Rookery.

Adventure Guide

Once Stormward Baelgrim's second, Stormguard Gorren has been corrupted by void magic, causing his hate for Baelgrim to fester. Using his newfound void powers, he seeks to overrun the Stormperch and command his own army of Voidriders created from corrupted Stormriders.


Stormguard Gorren, empowered by the Void, attempts to periodically twist a player's soul with Chaotic Corruption latching on to nearby players. Gorren will use Dark Gravity to pull in all his foes and crush them with his hammer's might.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Upon expiration, Chaotic Corruption erupts and leaps to the closest player.
  • Dark Gravity pulls players towards Stormguard Gorren before erupting.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Upon expiration, Chaotic Corruption erupts and leaps to the closest player.
  • Chaotic Corruption inflicts moderate periodic damage to its current target and explodes for heavy damage upon expiration.
  • Dark Gravity inflicts moderate damage to all players for its duration.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Upon expiration, Chaotic Corruption erupts and leaps to the closest player.
  • Dark Gravity pulls players towards Stormguard Gorren before erupting.


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  • Inv artifact powerofthedarkside.png Chaotic Corruption Important — Stormguard Gorren imbues a player with $s2 charges of void, inflicting 0 Shadow damage every 1 sec for $424739d1. Upon removal, a charge of void is expended to cause a Chaotic Explosion and a transference of those energies to the nearest player.

Warning On Mythic difficulty, Chaotic Corruption applies Chaotic Vulnerability to the player upon removal.

    • Inv artifact powerofthedarkside.png Chaotic Explosion — Inflicts 246761-658719 Shadow damage to players within 6 yards of the impact.
    • Spell shadow shadowembrace.png Chaotic Vulnerability Mythic Difficulty — Increases damage taken from Chaotic Corruption by 100% for $d1. This effect stacks.
  • Inv cosmicvoid groundsate.png Dark Gravity Deadly — Stormguard Gorren channels umbral energies, pulling players towards him and inflicting 92535-247020 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 6 Sec. Upon completion Gorren's hammer explodes with energy at players within 10 yards, inflicting 0 Shadow damage and knocking players away.
  • Spell priest void blast.png Crush Reality — Stormguard Gorren charges his hammer with void and leaps towards the player's location, inflicting 0 Shadow damage to players within 8 yards of the impact. The impact rends the fabric of reality creating Reality Tears and leaving behind a zone of Lingering Void.
    • Inv icon shadowcouncilorb purple.png Reality Tear — Tears in the fabric of reality emanate from the point of impact inflicting 925354-2470198 Shadow damage to any players caught in their path.
    • Spell priest void blast.png Lingering Void — The impact leaves a zone of shadowy energy that lasts for $424961d1. Players in the zone suffer 555213-1482119 Shadow damage every 1 sec.

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