Stable Master Kitrik

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MobStable Master Kitrik
Image of Stable Master Kitrik
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 8-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Location Havenshire Stables, Scarlet Enclave
Status Killable Wrath-Logo-Small.png

Stable Master Kitrik is the watcher of the Havenshire Stables. He patrols the stables grounds on top of his Pinto watching for any young death knights attempting to steal his horses. As the quest N Death Knight [8-30] Grand Theft Palomino advises one should avoid the stable master as he does not dismount when in combat as such it is hard to escape should he attack you. It is not advised to steal a horse when he sees you as he has an ability which will instantly dismount the death knight from the horse.

He can be killed by a group of death knights, if killed he will drop common crusader loot from the area.


  • And keep the Change, ya filthy animal!
  • Dirty, stinkin', horse thief!
  • How many more of you do I need to send back to the Lich King in pieces before he'll stop?
  • Nobody steals Kitrik's horses!
  • You'll be hanging at the gallows soon...


  • Trade engineering.png Repo — Where are you going with that horse?


  • "Keep the change, ya filthy animal" is a quote from Angels with Filthy Souls, the movie-within-a-movie seen in Home Alone.

Patch changes

External links

es:Maestro de establos Kitrik