Spot the Difference

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NeutralSpot the Difference
Start Athelton Jones [61.0, 50.7]
End Alyx [63.0, 50.2]
Level 30-80
Category Secrets of Azeroth
Rewards 8x [Bronze Celebration Token]
46g 84s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [30-80] Warn the Detective
Next N [30-80] Toy Trouble

Spot the Difference concludes the fourth day of the Guest Relations storyline, and of chapter 1 of  [I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats]. Chapter two began on 6 November with N [30-80] Toy Trouble.


Solve the case of the shapeshifting demon.

  • Ask Maru for a hint (Optional)
  • Interrogate suspects and witnesses (0/100%) (Optional)
  • Identify the shapeshifter
  • Ask Maru for a hint (Optional)
  • Y'lliya Xennin slain [60.0, 62.5]


Look, I'm the real detective. You believe me, right?

I know--ask me anything. The good people here will be able to corroborate my story and we'll prove that I'm me.


You will receive:


This is preposterous...


Thank you so much for solving the case, <name>!

Hopefully, this event will be calmer now.


Pick either detective to turn in the last quest and start this one.

Since Maru's close by, may as well check in with her:

Gossip (Hint) <Explain your primary case to Maru and ask for her advice.>

I fink it's time for some intewwogation! Talk to both detectives and follow up on their stories!

For the sake of identification, the two detectives will be referred to as Left and Right.


Gossip What did you do today?

Let's see... I went to Leeroy's Chicken early in the morning, then I interrogated potential witnesses. This Addie girl seemed to be a keen hunter, but she hadn't seen our criminal.

I knew there had to be a solution, so I wandered over here to think.


Gossip What did you do today?

Let's see... I went to Leeroy's Chicken for lunch, then I interrogated potential witnesses. Obviously, I asked the most famous hunter of all, Hemet Nesingwary. Alas, no luck.

Without leads, I wandered over here.

Each detective grants 20 points of progress. They mentioned names, so check in with them:

Gossip Did you talk to Detective Jones today?

Aye, he asked me about any crimes I might'a seen. I talked fer a while about huntin' and spottin' prey, and that detective was a mighty fine listener.

But nae, I haven't seen any criminals skulking about.

Gossip Did you talk to Detective Jones today?

Yeah, sure did! Well, he tried to ask me questions. I could hardly get a word in edge-wise.

He ended up talking about himself!

Gossip Did you talk to Detective Jones today?

That guy? Get this--he comes in early in the morning, orders a chicken. Sure.

Then he's back at lunch. I asked him if he wants the same thing, and he's all, "Um, uh, what?" Guy stutters for a minute and then changes his mind and walks away.

<Leeroy shrugs.>

So are you going to get a chicken or what?

The other three fill the bar, so return to the detectives. For the purposes of quest progression, it does not matter which detective is accused, but Right is clearly the shapeshifter.

Gossip You're the shapeshifter!

This pops up a confirmation window:

Are you sure?

The trail of footprints in the sand

If Left was chosen:

Athelton Jones says: Poppycock! It's clearly this one!
Left points at Right.

If Right was chosen:

Right shapeshifts to a human female before revealing his true form of a satyr before running off. Left runs off after.
Athelton Jones says: Me? How dare you!
Athelton Jones says: Fine, it was me! Herrkrop and his sorry lot killed my allies. So I killed him and pinned it on Scrapes!
Rexxar walks up and Spirit flies in.
Athelton Jones says: And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddlesome lot and your stupid hawk!
As the satyr and the detective run off, Rexxar takes Left's place and Spirit settles down on the rock between them.


Prepare yourself for the hunt.

Check back in with Maru:

Gossip (Hint) <Explain your primary case to Maru and ask for her advice.>

Tat shapeshifter ran off? I fink it's time to get out your idol and follow the footprints in the sand!

Y'lliya channeling a huge orb

Don't follow the long, glowy trail, as that leads to Gadgetzan, but instead follow the smaller Hoofprints doodads. The trail eventually leads to a sandy nook along the northeastern edge of the Gaping Chasm. The detective has caught up and is cowering in fear:

Athelton Jones

Okay, fine! Your help is appreciated! Is it safe to come out yet?

Aggro Y'lliya Xennin:

Y'lliya Xennin says: Let me show you what happens to heroes.

Finish it off:

Athelton Jones says: We did it? We did it!
Athelton Jones says: That's one more case solved by Athelton Jones, Detective Extraordinaire!
Jones walks away.

Turn in to Alyx to wrap up today's portion of the storyline as well as the first chapter of  [I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats].


Tutorial (28 Oct)
  1. N [10-80] Lost and Busy
  2. N [10-80] Tat Big Meanie
  3. N [10-80] To da Ruins!
  4. N [10-80] Da Stick of Revealing
  5. N [10-80] Tweasure Hunt
  6. N [10-80] Thoughtful Pursuits
  7. N [10-80] A Whiff of Help
Chapter 1
  1. (30 Oct) N [30-80] The Great DetectiveN [30-80] The "Great" Detective
  2. (31 Oct) N [30-80] Tracking QuestN [30-80] The Trail's Gone Cold
  3. (1 Nov) N [30-80] Warn the DetectiveN [30-80] Spot the Difference
Chapter 2
  1. (6 Nov) N [30-80] Toy TroubleN [30-80] Operation Toy Rescue
  2. (7 Nov) N [30-80] The Final ToyN [30-80] The Toy Thief
Chapter 3
  1. (13 Nov) N [30-80] A Pirate PredicamentN [30-80] Pirate Foods and Superstitions
  2. (14 Nov) N [30-80] A Pirate Missive (optional breadcrumb) → N [30-80] Pirate Gastronomy
Chapter 4
  1. (20 Nov) N [30-80] Secret in the SandsN [30-80] Buried Tweasure
  2. (21 Nov) N [30-80] Festive ReflectionsN [30-80] A Surprising Investigation

Patch changes

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