Souls at Unrest

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AllianceSouls at Unrest
Start Petrov
End Petrov
Level 15-30
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20950 (or 12g 57s at 80)
Rewards Choose one of:
 [Specially Treated Robes]
 [Bearskin Helm]
 [Hide-Lined Chestguard]
 [Carapace of the Fallen]
5g 90s
Previous Hollowstone Mine
Next A [15-30] A Name from the Past


Petrov at Hollowstone Mine wants you to use the Miner's Lantern to burn the corpses of 8 Hollowstone Miners.


<Petrov looks deeply disturbed, breathing heavily and shifting his gaze nervously around the mine.>

My comrades... we must put their souls to rest! I kill them and kill them but.. they just come back!

I've had an idea for a while but I just don't have the heart to do it myself.

Maybe you can do this for me? Take this lantern and use its oil to burn their remains so they never get up again.

I'll answer your questions later. Help my friends first!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

Inv chest cloth 26.png [Specially Treated Robes] Inv helmet 108.png [Bearskin Helm]
Inv chest chain 05.png [Hide-Lined Chestguard] Inv chest plate07.png [Carapace of the Fallen]

You will also receive: 5g 90s


Have you put my friends to rest yet, <name>?


Rest in peace friends! Do not worry -- I will tell everyone that we never gave up!


  1. A [15-30] The Hills Have Us (optional)
  2. A [15-30] Local Support
  3. A [15-30] Close the Deal
  4. A [15-30] A Tentative Pact
  5. A [15-30] An Exercise in Diplomacy
  6. A [15-30] Wolfsbane Root and A [15-30] Northern Hospitality
  7. A [15-30] Test of Mettle
  8. A [15-30] Words of Warning
  9. A [15-30] Escape from Silverbrook
  10. A [15-30] A Swift Response
  11. A [15-30] Descent into Darkness
    Makes available the alliance version of the Ursoc quest chain starting with A [15-30] The Failed World Tree and A [15-30] A Dark Influence.
  12. A [15-30] Report to Gryan Stoutmantle... Again
  13. A [15-30] Hollowstone Mine
  14. A [15-30] Souls at Unrest
  15. A [15-30] A Name from the Past
  16. A [15-30] Ruuna the Blind

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