Soulguard Bonecaster

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MobSoulguard Bonecaster
Image of Soulguard Bonecaster
Title <Cult of the Damned>
Race Skeletal mage (Undead)
Level 25-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cult of the Damned
Location Forge of Souls
Status Killable

Soulguard Bonecaster are skeletal mages found in the Forge of Souls.


  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Bone Volley (Heroic mode) 30 yd range — Hurls a volley of bones at nearby enemies, inflicting 3770 to 4230 damage. 2 sec cast. 6958-7042 on Heroic
  • Inv misc bone 01.png Shield of Bones (Heroic mode) — Absorbs 5000 damage. If the bones absorb the full amount they will shatter, inflicting 5000 damage on enemy targets within 15 yards. 10 second duration. Absorbs 10000 damage on heroic.

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