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Snobold Vassal

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MobSnobold Vassal
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Race Snobold (Humanoid)
Level 30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Trial of the Crusader
Status Killable

Snobold Vassal is a snobold located in Trial of the Crusader.


  • Ability kick.png Batter — Strikes an enemy for 75% of normal melee damage, interrupting spellcasting for 5 sec.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Fire Bomb — Inflicts 883 Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the target.
  • Ability rogue kidneyshot.png Head Crack — Stuns an enemy for 2 sec.
  • Spell nature shamanrage.png Rising Anger — Growing rage increases damage dealt by 15%.

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